Crime & Conflict
Unit overview Crime in the UK Classifying crime Crime maps The influence of location on crime Crime hotspots in the local community Effects of crime Preventing crime International crime and conflict Underlying causes Drugs trade / war in Afghanistan Piracy in Somalia
Crime in the UK Lesson: Effects of crime and ways to prevent it
Lesson objectives (“WALT”) KNOW the effects of crime and ways to reduce it. UNDERSTAND strategies to reduce crime. PRACTISE and APPLY data / photo analysis and map skills.
Categorise and fully explain* the effects of crime and possible solutions. *Extended answers in long-chain sentences. SPaG is consistently accurate and meaning is expressed effectively. Categorise and begin to fully explain* the effects of crime and possible solutions. *Extended answers in long-chain sentences. SPaG is generally accurate and meaning is clear. Categorise and clearly explain* effects of crime and possible solutions. *Extended answers in short-chain sentences. SPaG is generally accurate and meaning is clear. Grade 4 (44) Grade 5 (50-56) Grade 6 (62-68)
TASK - The effects of crime Crime affects (1) local communities and (2) the public services we all depend on so we are all “victims” of crime in some way. Sort the following into these two categories: A.Her Majesty’s Prison Service HMPS has to care for and rehabilitate criminals… B.People may have to pay higher insurance premiums, e.g. for their home or car… C.Retailers may not stock certain items because of the fear of crime… D.Some people may be fearful about going out alone or in the dark… E.The house prices on a street may fall if it is known to be a crime area… F.The local council has to spend money on reducing crime e.g. new street lighting… G.The National Health Service (NHS) has to treat the victims of crime… Now extend answers from each category.
Writing better answers For higher levels/grades you must extend your answers wherever possible. Use the model answers (next slide) shown to help you to write better answers. Peer marking Use these hints to help you to mark each other’s work.
Model answers ANSWER 1 On effect on public services is that the National Health Service (NHS) has to treat the victims of crime. ANSWER 2 On effect on public services is that the National Health Service (NHS) has to treat the victims of crime so if there’s more crime, doctors and nurses have a bigger workload. ANSWER 3 On effect on public services is that the National Health Service (NHS) has to treat the victims of crime so if there’s more crime, doctors and nurses have a bigger workload; this might mean longer waiting lists or higher taxes to pay for more NHS staff.
Read the SWANS feedback provided. Ask questions if you’re unsure. Act on your “Next Steps”. Get your improvements checked. TIME
The fight against crime There are many strategies to fight crime, but two main ones are: 1.Protecting property aka “target hardening” 2.Designing out crime, including the creation of “defensible spaces”.
Target hardening
Designing out crime
The fight against crime There are many strategies to fight crime, but two main ones are: 1.Protecting property aka “target hardening” 2.Designing out crime, including the creation of “defensible spaces”.
TASK – Reducing crime Using some of the ideas from today’s lesson, assess how vulnerable your home and local area is to crime. Suggest FIVE changes to safeguard your home and FIVE ways to reduce crime in your local community. Read this link for ideas: