Opener The Great Race – Left Side: Soviet UnionRight Side: United States – Round 1: Be the first side to create a paper airplane that can reach the back wall from the front of the podium. – Round 2: Be the first side to create a paper airplane that can reach the back wall from the dry erase board – Round 3: Be the first side to create a paper airplane that can reach the back corner from the door. – Similarities/Differences: Cold War v. Simulation
The Space Race Which event of the 1950s is most likely the inspiration for this cartoon?
Space Race Soviets Launch Sputnik (artificial satellite) – 1957 Soviets 1 st Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) – 1959—U.S. Launches its 1 st ICBM – 1959—Soviets put unmanned craft on moon 1961—Yuri Gagarin 1 st cosmonaut to orbit Earth – 1962—John Glenn 1 st American to orbit Earth What’s Kennedy’s fear?
“If You Believe They Put A Man on the Moon” Kennedy launches Apollo Program – Race for the Moon Increased emphasis on math & science in schools Apollo 11: July 20, 1969 – U.S. Lands on moon
JFK Administration ( ) The Cold War “Heats” UP
Election of 1960 Issues: – Cold War – Religion – Civil Rights “Missile Gap” What impact did TV play in the election?
Kennedy Foreign Policy Flexible Response – Prepare to fight both conventional wars and conflict against guerilla forces – Heavy support for Special Forces/Green Berets – Peace Corps
Bay of Pigs--Cuba 1959: Fidel Castro overthrows U.S. supported Cuban dictator, Fugencio Batista Castro estbl. closer ties with USSR – Castro/Khrushchev (Soviet leader) What’s Kennedy’s Fear? – Communism only 90 miles from U.S.
Bay of Pigs Eisenhower Admin. – La Brigada: CIA trained Cuban Exiles Invade Cuba; cause rebellion April 17-19, 1961 – Complete Disaster Impact on the U.S.? – Weakens Kennedy’s image internationally Castro’s Response? – Forms even closer ties with Soviets… – Why might U.S. have feared this?
Bay of Pigs
Checkpoint Charlie What do you observe in the photo? (This should be things or words, not what you think is happening) What is the mood of the photograph? Where might this photo have been taken? When? What evidence supports this? Who might the parties in the photo be? What do you think might have led to the event captured in the photo? What emotions may have been felt by people looking at this photo in 1961 that you may not feel now? Why?
Checkpoint Charlie
Cold War Heats Up in Germany
Berlin Wall (1961) Khrushchev: Trying to stop E. Germans fleeing to W. Berlin – Demands U.S. w/draw forces from W. Berlin – 3.5 million flee E. Germ. – Mass Brain Drain – E. Germ. Econ. on verge of collapse Why were people fleeing? Result: Berlin Wall Significance?
Berlin Wall (1961)
Cuban Missile Crisis (Oct , 1962) US Spy Planes Spot Soviet Missiles in Cuba – Oct. 15, 1962 What might have caused this? – Bay of Pigs – Operation Mongoose – U.S. Missiles: Turkey/Italy – Previously, Soviet missiles could only hit Europe Try to deter U.S. attack on USSR – Khrush. views Kennedy as weak
Cuban Missile Crisis What’s Kennedy’s Fear?
What Would You Do? Working with 2 or 3 other people, take the role of JFK and his EX-COMM advisors: How would you respond to the placement of missiles in Cuba? Why? What issues might this cause? Must be able to support your position and anticipate consequences. – No Action – Diplomacy: Use diplomatic pressure to get Soviets to remove missiles – Warning: Send a message to Castro warning him that he and Cuba are in grave danger – Blockade: Use U.S. Navy to block missiles arriving in Cuba – Air Strike: Use the U.S. Air Force to attack all known missile sites – Invasion: Full force invasion of Cuba & overthrow Castro
Cuban Missile Crisis: On the Brink of Nuclear Destruction EX-COMM Kennedy Announces Naval Quarantine Vows “Significant” Response If Missile Launched from Cuba Kennedy Demands Removal of Missiles
Consequences of Cuban Missile Crisis Closest world has come to nuclear war U.S. promises not to invade Cuba; remove U.S. Missiles from Turkey Soviets remove missiles from Cuba Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Khrushchev falls out of favor in Soviet Union Bob Dylan Song Analysis
Brief Overview: Kennedy Domestic Policy Space Race New Frontier: – Increase aid to education, health insurance for the elderly (Medicare), urban development/low- income housing Women’s Rights: Equal Pay Act Aid for the Disabled – Special Olympics Civil Rights Movement – What role did JFK play? RFK? LBJ? Increases U.S. involvement in Vietnam (FP)
Kennedy Assassination Nov. 22, 1963 President Kennedy Assassinated – Dallas, TX Lyndon Johnson sworn in as President Nation in Mourning the-target-car-jfks-final-hours.html