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JFK Bio Childhood Years:High School/College Years: World War II:Future in Politics: JFK Bio: Before the Presidency Viewer/KWTM7V4rzUm-67Fm5fdyxA.aspx
Debate Images Important First Debate in the Fall of 1960: How does Nixon look in comparison to Kennedy??
What we Know?? JFK was a new type of candidate: Young, Roman Catholic, and less experienced He defeats a more experienced Richard Nixon A Very close election
Election Map
Kennedy’s New Frontier Improve the Economy Assist the Poor Speed Up the Space Program address-john-f-kennedy#inaugural-address- john-f-kennedy
Improving the Economy Kennedy Believed: Grow business = Better Jobs = A Better Economy Struggled to gain support in Congress and from Business leaders
Assisting the Poor 20% of the population were living in poverty Kennedy believed in direct aid to the poor A new minimum wage and Equal pay Acts were passed in Congress
Build up the Space Program U.S. worried as the Soviets were out racing them in space Spending on NASA and research was increased Kennedy challenges the nation to land a man on the moon before the end of the decade Gaggle Tube Video