By: Melanie Domenech Beauty & Brains ROBERT LAUREL CRIPPEN
DOB: September 11, 1937 Marital Status: Married to former Pandora Lee Puckett Children: Three daughters Ellen Marie, June 14, 1962 Susan Lynn, December 24, 1964 Linda Ruth, May 10, 1967 PERSONAL BACKGROUND
New Caney High School University of Texas: BS in Aerospace Engineering in 1960 USAF Aerospace Research Pilot School at Edwards Air Force Base, California EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND
PRE-NASA EXPERIENCE Aviation Officer Program (Navy) Attack Pilot aboard the USS IDEPENDANCE Instructor at the USAF Aerospace Research Pilot School USAF Manned Orbiting Laboratory Program PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS
NASA NASA Manned Spacecraft Center/ Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas Astronaut ( ) Deputy Director, Flight Crew Operations Directorate ( ) Deputy Director, National STS Operations, NASA Kennedy Space Center, Director, Space Shuttle Program, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC Director, NASA Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS (CONT…)
After NASA Vice president of Training Simulation Systems at Lockheed Martin Information Systems President of the Thiokol Propulsion Group (Officially Retired in 2001) PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS (CONT.…)
NASA Exceptional Service Medal (1972) NASA Distinguished Service Medal (1981) Department of Defense Distinguished Service Award (1981) Distinguished Service Medals (1985, 1988, 1993) NASA Outstanding Leadership Medal (1988) Congressional Space Medal of Honor (2006) RECOGNITION/ AWARDS
Fellow American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics American Astronautical Society Society of Experimental Test Pilots ASSOCIATIONS
11 works in 21 publications in 2 languages and 494 library holdings PUBLICATIONS
Crippen vs. Sullivan Crew Men to Women Ratio: 5 : 2 Award Ratio: 23 : 8 First Publications: 1973 : 1986 NASA Space Flight Medal: 1981 : 1990, 1984 NASA Exceptional Service Medal: 1972 : 1988 Started working for NASA: 1969 : 1978 Hours Spent in Space: Over 565 : Over 532 SCIENTIFIC SHOWDOWN
Robert L. Crippen Kathryn D. Sullivan EXCERPTS FROM THEMSELVES …
"Astronaut Bio: Robert L. Crippen (072001)." NASA - Johnson Space Center. Web. 24 Oct "Crippen, Robert L. []." The World's Largest Library Catalog. Web. 24 Oct "International Space Hall of Fame :: New Mexico Museum of Space History :: Inductee Profile." New Mexico Museum of Space History » Alamogordo, New Mexico » Celebrating the Significant Role the State of New Mexico Has Played in the Development of the U.S. Space Program. Web. 24 Oct "NASA - Biography of Robert L. Crippen." NASA. Web. 24 Oct "NASA JOHNSON SPACE CENTER ORAL HISTORY PROJECT." Johnson Space Center NASA. Web. 24 Oct "Kathryn D. Sullivan Oral History." NASA - Johnson Space Center. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Web. 10 Sept "JSC Oral History Project." NASA - Johnson Space Center. Web. 24 Oct WORKS CONSULTED
Works Cited Robert L. Crippen, Former Astronaut. Photograph. Robert L. Crippen Recounts Space Mission Highs, Lows to PB Business Group. Web. 24 Oct Robert L. Crippen. Photograph. NASA Biographical Data. Web. 24 Oct Robert L. Crippen. Photograph. Web. 24 Oct Sally Ride and the Crew of STS-7 - Official Portrait. Photograph. About Women's History. Web. 24 Oct Space Shuttle's 1st Pilot: Q&A With Former NASA Astronaut Bob Crippen. Photograph. NASA. Web. 24 Oct STS-1 Shuttle Mission Imagery. Photograph. NASA. Web. 24 Oct PHOTOGRAPHY CITATIONS