Chapter 20 Section 2 The New Frontier John F. Kennedy’s inauguration (Jan 20, 1961) set the tone for a new era at the White House JFK – 43 years old (youngest ever elected president) Eisenhower – 70 years old (oldest until Reagan)
“So my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.”
JFK emphasized American art and culture At the inauguration, Marian Anderson sang the National Anthem. Robert Frost wrote and read a poem for the occasion.
The Kennedy Mystique The first family captivated the American public After learning that JFK could speed-read 1,600 words a minute, thousands of people enrolled in speed-reading courses Jackie, too, captivated the public with her eye for fashion and culture
The Kennedy Mystique = “The Camelot Years” The youthful glamour of JFK and his beautiful wife Jackie seemed like a fairy tale come to life. Camelot - a Broadway hit musical about the romance and adventure of King Arthur’s court – ran for over 800 performances.
“The Best and the Brightest” (His team of advisers – young intellectuals and businesspeople) National Security Adviser- McGeorge Bundy (a Harvard U. dean) Sec. of Defense - Robert McNamara (Ford Motor Co. president) Sec. of State - Dean Rusk (Rockefeller Foundation president) Attorney General - Robert F. “Bobby” Kennedy (his 35 yr old brother) “I see nothing wrong with giving Bobby some legal experience before he goes to practice law.” - JFK joked when asked about Bobby’s youth Robert McNamara Bobby Kennedy
JFK was elected by the slimmest of margins, so he lacked a mandate. Mandate - a “popular mandate” - a clear indication that the voters approve of the candidate’s plans
Deficit Spending (spending money you don’t have) Because US had 6% unemployment and was in a recession, JFK sent a proposal to Congress for increased spending. Result: - Defense spending up 20% for nuclear missiles, nuclear subs, expansion of armed services -Min wage increased to $1.25 -Unemployment insurance increased -Assistance to cities with high unemployment
Peace Corps An International aid program started by JFK Operated as an independent U.S. federal agency March 1961 ($30 million budget) 1 st Director was JFK’s brother-in-law who was his sister Eunice Kennedy’s husband: R. Sargent Shriver What: program of volunteer assistance Criticism: 1. a bunch of draft dodgers would join 2. called Kennedy’s Kiddie Corps
Alliance for Progress What: Economic and technical assistance to help Latin American countries improve their living standards Why: to prevent Fidel Castro and Communism from spreading to other Lat. Am countries Result: US spent 12 BILLION in Lat. Am (during 1960s) but did not bring about any reforms JFK and Jackie in Mexico JFK in Uruguay
USSR Sent 1st Man into Space Yuri Gagarin, a Russian Cosmonaut - 1st human in space 188 miles into the sky Circled the earth in 108 minutes April 12, 1961 (NOTE: Bay of Pigs incident took place April days later!)
JFK at special session of Congress: The US should commit itself “to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to earth.” His goal was reached: July 20, Astronaut Neil Armstrong -1st man to set foot on moon
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration What: A U.S. federal agency in charge of the space program A civilian-run program After JFK’s speech, U.S. began constructing Cape Canaveral, Florida launching facilities and Mission Control in Houston
Mission Control Why is Mission Control located in Houston, Texas, but Cape Canaveral (the launching site) is located in Florida?
Lyndon Baines Johnson JFK’s vice-president From Texas Hill Country Very powerful in Congress for years JFK appointed him as Chairman of National Space Council in 1961 HE put Mission Control in Houston (his Texas oil buddies donated 1000 acres of land in Houston area)
Alan Shepherd May 5, 1961 Who: 1 st American in space Freedom 7 (name of spacecraft) Project Mercury started in 1958 to see if man could just survive in space 15 minute sub-orbital flight SHORT DID NOT ORBIT.
John Glenn Feb 20, 1962 Who: 1 st American to orbit the earth Orbited 3 times Lasted about 5 hours There was fear that his heat shield would fail and that his craft would burn up on reentry Became a senator from Ohio (for 4 terms – 24 years) Born 1921 Went back into space 1998 – as an old man (age 76) to conduct tests on aging, etc.
Telstar - Communications satellite that relayed live TV pictures across the Atlantic from Maine to Europe - Launched July 1962
JFK in 1963 Different from 1961 and 1962: Called for a “national assault on the causes of poverty” Ordered his attorney general Robert Kennedy to investigate racial issues in the South Presented a sweeping Civil Rights bill to Congress - gave a national TV address in June 1963 about civil rights Had an almost 60% approval rating
Kennedy Assassination Nov. 22, 1963 Dallas, Texas Shot in the head while seated next to his wife in an open-top limo. Texas Gov. John Connally, also in the same limo, seriously wounded - in same car- but lived Lee Harvey Oswald, assassin (former U.S. Marine sharpshooter who defected to USSR for a while) – HE was shot two days later while being moved to a “safer” jail by Jack Ruby
V.P. Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in on Air Force One before it left Dallas. The assassination had a bizarre chain of events and unanswered questions. LBJ ordered Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren to investigate Warren Commission 10 month investigation into JFK assassination 26 volumes of testimony Conclusion: Oswald acted alone