Journal 35 Reflect on one thing you accomplished in this course the first half of the semester. Why are you proud of yourself? Then reflect on one thing you would change. What would you do better/differently? Finally, name one thing you liked doing, and one thing you did not. Be constructive, not rude please. Please pick up your journals and handouts from the table.
Journal 36 FREEWRITE Tell me what’s on your mind.
Journal 37 Reflect on “Story of an Hour.” What surprised you? Did you like it? What has been the most important hour of your life so far? Pick up a lit book and the handout.
ON A SHEET OF PAPER Write down a topic you feel strongly about that you’d be willing to debate with another person. Is there an issue that you feel like you need to take a stand on? Why does this topic/issue matter to you. Please be neat, I’m taking this up. Get a lit book.
Journal 38 Reflect on your experience with Huck Finn so far. Are there things you don’t understand? What things about the text, Twain, Huck do you or do you not like? How does Twain make the story interesting or funny? Pick up a lit book
Journal 39 On Friday we briefly discussed how Toni Morrison called her experience reading Huck Finn both a guilty and alarming one. What do you think she meant by this? How does your reading of the novel compare?
Journal 40 Superstition is all throughout the novel. Choose one example you remember from your reading and explain what the superstition is. Why does Twain use superstition in the novel? How does it add to the humor?
Journal 41 We have seen Huck begin to change in the novel now that we are towards the middle of the text. In your opinion, what is the most important issue facing Huck at this point in our reading?
How is the paper coming?! Reflect on where you are in the process and what questions you have. What needs to be reviewed? Checking in…
Journal 42 What is your least favorite character in the novel so far? Why?
Journal 43 What is the worst conflict you’ve ever had with someone? Were you able to mend it? Have you ever fought with someone for so long that you forgot your issue with the person in the first place?
Journal 44 What is your favorite TV show? Why? What are some characteristics of a good episode or plot? When you are finished, return to any old journals you have not completed or get out Huck and continue reading. NO TALKING!
Journal 45 What is the most persuasive thing you’ve read? What kind of strategies are you going to implement in your paper to make readers agree with your position? Be specific.
Journal 46 What do you think about the end of the novel? How do you feel about Huck’s moral development by the end of the novel? Turn in Episode Guide and mural tile to the box. Will not be accepted after today.
Quietly pick up this week’s vocab off the table. I will give you some time to study if you are doing so individually in your seats. Make sure you have your study guide ready to be collected.
Journal 47 How do you think Huck is translating into a film so far? Are there things you like more or less than the book by comparison? When you are done, continue by working on any journals you have that are incomplete.
HOLD ON TO YOUR PAPER Dear Mr. Davis, On a separate sheet of notebook paper, write a letter to Mr. Davis that tells him 1.One thing you enjoyed/found useful doing this semester in class 2. One example of his teaching style that you really liked 3. Add well wishes for the coming years as a teacher Sign your name so he can remember you! We will be giving this to him in a notebook tomorrow, which is his last day with us!
Journal 48 If you could steal anything (besides money) without penalty, what would it be? Explain your answer! When you finish, study for your vocabulary quiz!
4 th Quarter Journals with Ms. Bennett
Journal 50 Life is chock-full of embarrassing moments. When you’re lying awake at night, having trouble sleeping, do your most embarrassing blunders run through your mind? Write about some of these agonizing memories.
Journal 51 What’s the worst movie you’ve seen recently? Imagine you’re a film critic and write a couple of paragraphs tearing this movie to shreds.
Journal 52 If you and your friends could choose one new class to add to the curriculum, what would it be? Think of what would most help you in your daily life or what would prepare you for life after graduation. What kind of assignments would be required, and how would the class benefit students?
Journal 53 You are putting together a time capsule that will be buried in your backyard for 500 years. The capsule is about the size of a large suitcase. What would you put inside the capsule? What would you want future generations to know about today’s world? What items best represent who you are? What items best represent your place in history? Make sure your timeline has you and your partner’s name on it, and turn it into the basket.
Journal 54 If you had to choose the most important single event of this century, what would win the honor? Why?
Journal 55 Did you complete your open-ended response log* for the section of reading you were assigned for your literature circles? If you didn’t- complete it now. If you did, this journal is a freewrite! *an open-ended response log is where you jot down feelings, connections, words, phrases, doodles, questions, comments or any other “noticings: about what you read.
Journal 56 Discuss a character who wears a mask in the novel you are currently reading. Why do they wear the mask? What are they trying to cope with?
Journal 57 Did you complete your open-ended response log* for the section of reading you were assigned for your literature circles? If you didn’t- complete it now. If you did, this journal is a freewrite! *an open-ended response log is where you jot down feelings, connections, words, phrases, doodles, questions, comments or any other “noticings: about what you read.
Journal 58 There’s “fun scary” (walking through a haunted house, screaming through a horror movie, riding a roller coaster) and then there’s “scary scary” (being in a car accident, getting caught in the ocean’s riptide). Describe the scariest experience you’ve ever had. Was it fun scary, or was it really terrifying? Turn in your Lit. Circles Role Sheet and Mask Assignment! Study Vocab List 17 when you finish!
Journal 59 Write about an experience that occurred anywhere from childhood to now; this needs to be something that has shaped/changed your life (death of friend/family member, meeting someone new, experience in school [good or bad], a secret revealed [that you did or didn’t want to know], etc.) Describe it in as much detail as possible from beginning to end so that it’s as if you’re there again. Explain how this experience changed you after recounting the event. Turn in your Connecting Themes handout from yesterday (there should be 3 stapled together)! Remember you have a vocabulary quiz Friday, and your journals are due! ALL Journal prompts are uploaded online.
Journal 60 What have you liked most about this class? (lessons, projects, assignments, etc.) What is one thing you would improve if you could and why/how would you change it? This can be something you did with Mr. Davis or myself. Remember: Your journals are due at the BEGINNING of class tomorrow. You also have a vocabulary quiz on List 17.