(In my opinion) of_television#mediaviewer/File:Hd_tv_sa msung_LE26R41BD.jpg
Supernatural is my all time favorite TV show because its so intense with epic battles but it also has really good story. nl.wikipedia. org/wiki/Sup ernatural#m ediaviewer/F ile:Supernat ural_Season _Four_title_ card.jpg
The Walking dead and trailer park boys are equally awesome for me, so I decided to put them both on the same slide. The Walking Dead has such good story to it and that’s why I enjoy the show. Trailer Park Boys is the funniest show I think I have ever watched, thus is why I love it.
South Park is just the most strange funny inappropriate animated TV show ever, and I love it now and I've loved it since I was way younger. ki/List_of_South_Park_epi sodes#mediaviewer/File:S outh_Park_sign_logo.png
Breaking Bad Is great really good story line, loved it very much. I think it is One of the first series I watched on netflix, thus making it awesome /in/photostream/