Grammar Review Name___________ Title____________ Author _________ Parts of Speech COPY A SENTENCE FROM YOUR BOOK. Label the parts of speech of each word in the sentence. ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ _________ NOUN VERB ADJECTIVE ADVERB PRONOUN INTERJECTION CONJUNCTION PREPOSITION Subject and Predicate COPY A SENTENCE FROM YOUR BOOK. Draw a line between the subject and the predicate. _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ Types of Verbs COPY A SENTENCE FROM YOUR BOOK. Circle the verb and label it action, linking, or helping. _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ Uses of Pronouns COPY A SENTENCE FROM YOUR BOOK WITH A PRONOUN IN IT. Circle the pronoun and label it subject, object,or possessive. _______________ _______________ _______________ Types of Sentences COPY A SENTENCE FROM YOUR BOOK. Label the sentence as declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, or imperative. Types of Sentences ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Clauses and Phrases COPY A SENTENCE FROM YOUR BOOK. Underline the independent clause in the sentence. ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________
Kinds of Nouns Name_________________ Title__________________ Author _______________ PROPER – the name of a specific person,place, thing, or idea COMMON – any noun that does not name a specific person,place, thing, or idea CONCRETE – a common or proper noun that is something physical that can be touched ABSTRACT – a common or proper noun that names something you can think about but not see COLLECTIVE – names a group or collection of persons,places, animals, or things. Kinds of Nouns Name____________ Title_____________ Author ___________ PROPER – the name of a specific person,place, thing, or idea COMMON – any noun that does not name a specific person,place, thing, or idea CONCRETE – a common or proper noun that is something physical that can be touched ABSTRACT – a common or proper noun that names something you can think about but not see COLLECTIVE – names a group or collection of persons,places, animals, or things. IN YOUR BOOK FIND A SENTENCE WITH A: Proper noun ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Common noun ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Concrete noun ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Abstract noun ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Collective noun ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ IN YOUR BOOK FIND A SENTENCE WITH A: Proper noun ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Common noun ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Concrete noun ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Abstract noun ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Collective noun ___________________ ___________________ ___________________