Celebrating 50 Years of Job Corps
Harpers Ferry Job Corps Center Vice President – Jasmine Jefferson Vice President – Jasmine Jefferson Secretary – Mousa Touré Secretary – Mousa Touré Treasurer – Ray Sylvester Treasurer – Ray Sylvester Sgt. At Arms – Dominic Bryant Sgt. At Arms – Dominic Bryant Chief of Justice – Israel Cuevas Chief of Justice – Israel Cuevas Governor – Alexander Graves Governor – Alexander Graves
Our concern is a lack of interest and morale from the student body
Our challenge is to improve the morale and interest of the student body Our goal is important because an interested student body is a functional student body
TASK PERSON RESPONSIBLE DUE DATE Draft a written proposal for the Time Capsule project to be approved SGA Executive Board Immediately Talk to Center Director concerning details of the Time Capsule and acquire approval SGA Executive Board May 5 th, 2015 Meet with maintenance staff to determine the safest location for the Time Capsule Sgt. At Arms May 5 th, 2015 Propose the Project
TASK PERSON RESPONSIBLE DUE DATE Create a flyer to distribute across the center to advertise the event The Chief of Justice and The Poster Committee May 6 th, 2015 Form a committee to research the composition, cost, and criteria of the Time Capsule TreasurerMay 18 th, 2015 Meet with food service and recreation for materials and food for the event Vice PresidentMay 18 th, 2015 Getting Things Started
TASK PERSON RESPONSIBLE DUE DATE Trades begin building the time capsule AmbassadorJune 1 st, 2015 Invite local newspaper and public figures to the event President/SecretaryJune 1 st, 2015 Bury the time capsule SGA Executive Board June 17 th, 2015 Finalizing the Plan
In Conclusion Our concern is a lack of morale and interest in the student body We will know we have accomplished our goal when the morale and interest of the student body has improved.