A noun is a word which refers to a person, place, thing, or idea. NOUNS A noun is a word which refers to a person, place, thing, or idea.
There are several different types of nouns: Common and proper nouns. Concrete and abstract nouns. Collective & compound nouns.
Common & Proper Nouns Common Nouns: Refer to something that is not unique and has no defining characteristics. EX: desk, chair Proper Nouns: Refers to a unique person, place, thing, or idea; that has defining characteristics. They are always written with the first letter capitalized. EX: Mayaguez, John
One person, place, thing, or idea Ex: computer Singular Nouns One person, place, thing, or idea Ex: computer
Plural Nouns More than one person, place, thing, or idea Make most nouns plural by -adding –s or -es. -making a new word. (child children) -Some require no change. (sheep= sheep)
A general person, place, thing, or idea Ex. cat Common Nouns A general person, place, thing, or idea Ex. cat
A specific person, place, thing, or idea Ex: Atlanta Braves Proper Nouns A specific person, place, thing, or idea Ex: Atlanta Braves
Concrete & Abstract Nouns Concrete Nouns: Can be perceived by at least one of the five senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste). EX: Chair, John Abstract Nouns: Cannot be perceived by any of the five senses. They are usually emotions, ideals, or concepts. EX: Freedom, love, sadness.
Abstract Nouns A noun that names an idea. It cannot be touched. Ex: liberty, freedom, justice
A noun that you can touch. Ex: butterfly Concrete Nouns A noun that you can touch. Ex: butterfly
Collective & Compound Nouns Collective Nouns: Refers to a single noun that indicates or refers to more than one. EX: Family, team, club Compound Noun: A single noun formed by two or more words. They can be together, separate, or divided by hyphen (-). EX: Butterfly, Christmas tree, mother-in-law
A noun that names a collection of things Ex: swarm of bees Collective Nouns A noun that names a collection of things Ex: swarm of bees
Possessive Nouns A noun that shows ownership For singular nouns, add ‘s (car’s) For plural nouns, add ‘ if it already has an s(houses’) For plural nouns that don’t end in s, add ‘s (geese’s)
Try Your Luck! What types of nouns is the following example? Kansas City Compound & proper Abstract & collective Common & concrete
Family Let’s try another one! Concrete & collective Abstract & collective Common & compound
Practice Exercises Identify the following nouns as: common or proper. Car Dog William Mall France Cheetos House Clothes Mother New York
Identify the following nouns as: concrete or abstract. Table Hate Keys Snow Common courtesy Boredom Pen Chicago Music Wood
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