“Noun” in English and Indonesian Language
noun Noun is the part of specch which function can be as subject or object. I drink coffe I (noun) - drink (verb) – coffe (noun)
Noun in English A. Base on substances 1.Proper noun: is the name of person, place or thing. A proper noun always starts with a capital letter. E.g: Habibi, Somalia, etc. 2.Common noun: is the word used for a class of person, place and thing. E.g: chair, boy, etc. 3.Collective noun: is words to describe groups. E.g: Family, team, comitee, etc.
B. Base on the exsistance 1.Abstract noun: is invisible noun. E.g: honesty, kindness, truth, ect. 2.Concrete noun: is visible noun. E.g: book, bag,magazine, etc.
C. Based on Quantity 1.Countable E.g: books, boys, boxes, etc. 2.Uncountable E.g: water, time, etc.
Noun in indonesia A. Kinds of noun 1.Nomina Dasar: is noun which has basic morpheme. E.g: batu, kertas, gunting, etc. 2. Nomina Turunan: is noun formed from morfological process. - The morfological proceses are : 1. verba + (-an) makanan 2. (pe-) + verb pelukis 3. (pe-) + adjektive pemarah 4. (per-) + noun perbudakan
B. Forms of noun 1.Noun kongkrit : all of the noun which visible. E.g : buku, kertas,ect. 2. Noun abstrak : all noun which in visible. E.g : udara, ilmu, ect.
The similaritie of noun in english and indonesian 1.The nouns both of english and indonesian have same explain or express the Abstract noun and Concrete noun.
The differences of noun in english and indonesian 1.The noun in indonesia has kinds of noun while in English has substance noun. 2.Both of indonesia and english has the different way to classiffy noun according to these approach.