Unit: Parts of Speech Lesson: Pronouns & Nouns
Pronoun Schoolhouse Rock Video!
Personal Pronoun Pronouns take the place of a noun. SingularPlural First Person: person or persons making a statement (the speaker or writer) I, mewe, us Second Person: person or persons being spoken or written to you Third Person: Person or persons (or thing) being spoken or written about she, her, he, him, it they, them
Personal Pronoun "She got her looks from her father. He's a plastic surgeon.“ (Groucho Marx) "I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.“ (The Beatles, "I Am the Walrus")
Interrogative Pronouns When you ask a question, you often begin it with a type of pronoun called an interrogative pronoun. –what, who, which, whom, whose
Who’s on First? By Abbott and Costello
Noun We know a noun is a person, place, or thing. –common: Ex. boat, shoe, coat –proper: Ex. Tom, March, Manheim St. Nouns can also be an idea. –concrete and abstract
Concrete and Abstract Nouns Concrete Noun: a noun that names something that can be seen, smelled, heard, tasted, or touched –Ex: Uncle Joe, village, vegetables Abstract Noun: a noun that names an idea, a quality, or a feeling –Ex: belief, beauty, disappointment
Abstract or Concrete? 1.historyA or C 2.peopleA or C 3.educationA or C 4.toysA or C 5.dreamsA or C