e-Learning and Web 2.0 at the Freie Universität Berlin Stefan Cordes blog.sozwi.de CeDiS – Center für Digitale Systeme Kompetenzzentrum e-Learning / Multimedia Online Educa 2006, Pre-Conference Workshop 4 © Wikipedia
2 Stefan Cordes, Freie Universität Berlin, CeDiS – Online Educa 2006, Pre-Conference Workshop 4 e-Learning Consultants e-learning consultants one regular contact person for each department and each teacher Cooperation Deans e-Learning Coordinators Support Use of the central LMS Grants Program Content Creation Media Didactics … Teachers
3 Stefan Cordes, Freie Universität Berlin, CeDiS – Online Educa 2006, Pre-Conference Workshop 4 Blended Learning Library Tutorials Lectures Without LMS Informations Material- collection Library Tutorials Lectures Blended Learning I »Introduction« Informations Material- collection Library Tutorials Lectures e-Tutor Blended Learning II »Extended« Informations Material- collection Library Tutorials Lectures e-Tutor Exam preparation Multimedia- material Blended Learning III »Maximum« Informations Material- collection Library Tutorials Lectures e-Tutor Exam preparation Multimedia- material Online-Courses Lectures Classroom Online Seminar Exercises Literature Laboratory Chat Forums Digital Materials Multimedia Self-tests Tutorial Blended Learning Online Surveys
4 Stefan Cordes, Freie Universität Berlin, CeDiS – Online Educa 2006, Pre-Conference Workshop 4 Web 2.0 at the Freie Universität
5 Stefan Cordes, Freie Universität Berlin, CeDiS – Online Educa 2006, Pre-Conference Workshop 4 Web 2.0 at the Freie Universität Blogs Wiki RSS Podcast
6 Stefan Cordes, Freie Universität Berlin, CeDiS – Online Educa 2006, Pre-Conference Workshop 4 Web 2.0 – Why? mmb Trendmonitor II / eLearning Experts: Importance of … in 2011 ?
7 Stefan Cordes, Freie Universität Berlin, CeDiS – Online Educa 2006, Pre-Conference Workshop 4 What is Web 2.0? It is… … an attitude. Not a technology This means there is no technological revolution, it is a social revolution. (Stephen Downes, 2006) And it is not… BBC Movie
8 Stefan Cordes, Freie Universität Berlin, CeDiS – Online Educa 2006, Pre-Conference Workshop 4 Blogs - Survey Who… …knows about Blogs? …are reading Blogs? …has an own Blog?
9 Stefan Cordes, Freie Universität Berlin, CeDiS – Online Educa 2006, Pre-Conference Workshop 4 Blogs Why (and how) to use Blogs? Blogs in Education What kind of Blogs exists? Best Practice?
10 Stefan Cordes, Freie Universität Berlin, CeDiS – Online Educa 2006, Pre-Conference Workshop 4 Why (and how) to use Blogs? Microsoft LiveWriter Microsoft Word 2007 Wordpress WYSIWYG- Editor Ease of use Direct & Interactive Based on Storytelling
11 Stefan Cordes, Freie Universität Berlin, CeDiS – Online Educa 2006, Pre-Conference Workshop 4 What kind of Blogs exists (Examples)?
12 Stefan Cordes, Freie Universität Berlin, CeDiS – Online Educa 2006, Pre-Conference Workshop 4 Blogs in Education? Scott Leslie, edublogs.org
13 Stefan Cordes, Freie Universität Berlin, CeDiS – Online Educa 2006, Pre-Conference Workshop 4 Best Practice
14 Stefan Cordes, Freie Universität Berlin, CeDiS – Online Educa 2006, Pre-Conference Workshop 4 Wikis Survey Who… …knows about Wikis? …is using Wikis? …has an own Wiki? …would like to run a own Wiki?
15 Stefan Cordes, Freie Universität Berlin, CeDiS – Online Educa 2006, Pre-Conference Workshop 4 Wikis What is a Wiki? Wikis in Education Best Practice? Wikis at the Freie Universität?
16 Stefan Cordes, Freie Universität Berlin, CeDiS – Online Educa 2006, Pre-Conference Workshop 4 What is a wiki? 1. A Wiki can be thought of as a combination of a Web site and a Word document. At its simplest, it can be read just like any other web site, with no access privileges necessary, but its real power lies in the fact that groups can collaboratively work on the content of the site using nothing but a standard web browser. 2. Beyond this ease of editing, the second powerful element of a wiki is its ability to keep track of the history of a document as it is revised. 3. Since users come to one place to edit, the need to keep track of Word files and compile edits is eliminated. 4. Each time a person makes changes to a wiki page, that revision of the content becomes the current version, and an older version is stored. 5. Versions of the document can be compared side- by-side, and edits can be rolled back if necessary.
17 Stefan Cordes, Freie Universität Berlin, CeDiS – Online Educa 2006, Pre-Conference Workshop 4 Wikis in Education Easily create simple websites Project development with peer review Group authoring Track a group project Data Collection Presentations …
18 Stefan Cordes, Freie Universität Berlin, CeDiS – Online Educa 2006, Pre-Conference Workshop 4 Best Practices? NetWiki - Universität Trier Washington State University Demonstration of the growth of a wiki page - John Udell
19 Stefan Cordes, Freie Universität Berlin, CeDiS – Online Educa 2006, Pre-Conference Workshop 4 Wikis at the Freie Universität? OSI Wiki Publizistik Wiki
20 Stefan Cordes, Freie Universität Berlin, CeDiS – Online Educa 2006, Pre-Conference Workshop 4 Educational Benefits of Blogs and Wikis Help students to collaborate and communicate Motivate Students to participate Provide opportunities to read and to write Postings can be created by students any time and any place Replacement for typical, static Webpages
21 Stefan Cordes, Freie Universität Berlin, CeDiS – Online Educa 2006, Pre-Conference Workshop 4 To draw a conclusion …people know what blogs [and wikis] are, and what they are really seeking now is pedagogy, not training. It feels like, finally, this is no longer a technology as it is another way to connect and communicate. It's feeling like in some places, at least, blog thinking is becoming embedded. (Will Richardson, Turning Point 2006) or The user is the content! But is the user conscious of it? (Martin Ebner, TU Graz)
Thank you for your attention! Questions? Stefan Cordes CeDiS – Center für Digitale Systeme Kompetenzzentrum e-Learning / Multimedia Web: Blog: blog.sozwi.de