 Missouri added as a Slave State  Maine added as a Free State  Set a Pattern of adding two states at a time in order to maintain peace Missouri Compromise(1820)


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Presentation transcript:

 Missouri added as a Slave State  Maine added as a Free State  Set a Pattern of adding two states at a time in order to maintain peace Missouri Compromise(1820)

 Henry Clay came up with the Idea  California added as Free State  Fugitive Slave Law was passed to hunt down slaves that escaped to the North Compromise of 1850

 No compromise could be made in order to add Kansas and Nebraska…..  So Stephen Douglass Proposed the idea of Popular Sovereignty (People living in each terrioty would vote to determine if the states would be free or slave)  Led to Bloody Kansas Kansas-Nebraska Act

 John Brown was a white abolitionist  He wanted to spark slave uprisings.  He (along with 18 others) raided and captured a US arsenal at harpers Ferry….Killing 4.  Sent word that he was going to arm local slaves to create an uprising  He failed…was convicted of murder and treason John Browns Raid

 After Dred Scott case…Republicans claimed that all Democrats wanted to make slavery legal everywhere.  Lincoln and Douglass… then had a series of formal debates addressing the nations problems. (Both were running for a Senate seat in Illinois…Lincoln lost)  Lincoln-Federal Government should decide the issue of slavery  Douglass-States should decide through Popular Sovereignty Lincoln Douglass Debates