How Are Java Software Developers Using the Eclipse IDE? SUMMARY BY: ZACHARY MCKIE
The Question Authors believe that Eclipse is one of the most commonly used integrated development environments (IDE) and that it is particularly popular amongst Java developers. Do developers take advantage of all the features the Eclipse IDE has to offer?
The Study Eclipse usage data from 74 software developers was collected using an Eclipse plug-in they developed called Mylar Monitor. Mylar Monitor is a standalone framework that collects and reports on trace information (interaction history) about a user’s activity in Eclipse. Able to determine the type of event, the time the event was executed, and which part of the environment the event originated.
The Analysis A developer which completed a minimum of 5,000 selections and edits in views and editors was considered to adequately take advantage of Eclipse’s JDT. Average of 65,492 events (minimum of 11,000 and maximum of 200,000) Average usage hours of 66 hours (minimum of 20 and maximum of 172)
Views 51 percent of the events started in the editor.
Refactoring Commands
Reference Murphy, G.C.; Kersten, M.; Findlater, L., "How are Java software developers using the Elipse IDE?," Software, IEEE, vol.23, no.4, pp.76,83, July-Aug URL: