Copyright 2009, Donato Diorio & Broadlook Technologies Add a dedicated researcher Presented by: Donato Diorio Chief Executive Officer Broadlook Technologies Double your billings in 2009
2 2 -Rumi Anyone can bring gifts. Give me someone who takes away.
3 3
4 The single greatest factor affecting a company’s success is the proper allocation of your talent resources. 4
Definitions: Research, Sourcing, Recruiting and Sales? Recruiting – candidate development Sales – market development Sourcing – supports recruiting function Research – may support all functions.
Additional definitions 1.In house 2.Off site 3.Offshore 4.Near shore 5.Time share
What can a dedicated researcher do?
8 Bullhorn Broadlook Profiler, Eclipse, Market Mapper, Diver, Job Pulse Hoovers, OneSource, Zoominfo,, Lexis Nexis LinkedIN, Social Networks 8 Recruiting Systems & Tools
9 Resume (active) sourcing from Job Boards Passive candidate searching New desk research & development Building lists of companies Market segment research 9 Recruiting Solutions
10 Data entry Data compare, de-duplication, normalization Pre-call research QC (quality check) PDF conversion (OCR image to text) Document scanning Printing Data conversion 10 Data Management
11 Search engine optimization (SEO) Website content delivery Custom search engines Google Adwords customization 11 Marketing Assistance
12 Name gathering Phone system mapping (Night Dialing) Contact info - verification calls 12 Call Center Services
Trends:recruiting, sales, sourcing and research Source: Broadlook Technologies, recruiting vertical client survey
Should you add a dedicated researcher?
Helps you compare yourself to your peers. Prepares you for an organizational workflow audit Is your current model the one you want to stay with? Lab 1 - know your business model
1.Make a to-do list first thing in am? 2.Require that your staff has a daily plan? 3.Have 15 minutes per day to manage a researcher? (if all no’s, don’t get a researcher) Lab 2 - your process DNA do you...?
Some thoughts before taking action: 1.Culture based direction alone is at-risk (Cut of the head, the body dies) 2.Process based direction stronger for company growth 3.Establish a culture of discipline before adding a researcher Stop!
1.Pick an assessment test 2.Establish metrics 3.Test your staff 4.Analyze data 5.Maintain consistency Lab 3 - assess your current staff
A.Daily task audit B.Process audit C.Man-machine audit D.Take action Lab 4 - determine your needs (4 steps)
Daily task audit - Part I
Do not confuse skill level with uniqueness to your organization Daily task audit - Part II
Importance Uniquenes s Check voic Schedule phone interview Interview prep Negotiate contract Write job postings Pull resumes from job board Sourcing cold calls Daily task audit - Part III
Technology review Online resource review Database building Contacts always needed Candidate search protocol Business development needs First impact project Time management Lab 5 - process audit
24 Process audit excerpt (Database Building) Process audit excerpt (Database Building)
25 Same process as people task-audit Basis of technology automation Automation should only be done to a successful process When automation looks like it “should be” the answer, but no technology exists, this is a perfect case for offshore research (outsource) 25 Lab 6 - Man-machine audit
26 A sample researcher task/process (a deep dive) 26
27 Staffing 50 Network Security Analysts Plan, seek “completeness”, build a “search order” Pull all current candidates from Bullhorn and job boards (with paid access) Pull all resumes from Internet with Diver from all major search engines Identify all associations and user groups that focus on network security From all resumes, domains, compile list of companies for passive sourcing 27
28 Staffing 50 Network Security Analysts, continued Develop a “market map” of all target companies, by geography Pull list of all advertised job openings from all major sources, looking for (A) other companies hiring for same skill and (B) Companies that have that skill. From target company domains, pull list of all employees for direct phone sourcing (Broadlook Profiler) Provide call list to recruiters 28
29 Incorrect! ? Completeness...why it’s important
30 Completeness...correct Correct!
31 Survey 1 Should your recruiters be doing any part of the previous tasks, besides the planning stage? 31
32 Survey 2 Are your recruiters focused exclusively on revenue producing activity? 32
33 Man - machine example: MAPS 33
34 Process analogy - MAPS
35 Process analog - MAPS
36 Process analog - MAPS
37 People make mistakes, but to really screw things up requires a computer 37 moral:
If you choose offshore research… All remote research is not equal
39 Choosing a research provider 3+ years servicing the recruiting space Get a referral Review pre-engagement process audit documents. Look for well thought out questions. Ask to interview the actual researcher(s) Beware “first time” recruitment researchers. Beware of “offloaded” talent 39
15 tips:working with offshore research 1. Research is a service, not a tech offering. (It’s not about efficiency or cost savings, it’s about relationship. The offshore firm should have service, service and service in their DNA. ) 2. Don’t treat people like a number. This sounds like common sense, the golden rule, etc. However, somehow the terms “offshore” or “remote” has a tendency to depersonalize the relationship. Don’t let that happen. 3. Use their real name. If one of your offshore contacts name is Rajaranan, don’t call him Joe, Bob, or Peter. Call centers started this protocol of giving foreign workers western names. This may work for a call centers, but it is a poor idea for someone you work with on a long term basis. Use their real name, insist on it, you might butcher it, but they will respect you more than if you call then Jimmy. 4. Beware of “dedicated” researcher. Want to know a dirty secret? Offshore firms are absolutely notorious for placing 2 workers on 3 accounts. When I learned about this, I was livid. Plain and simple, this is dishonest, and corrupt. If the price is too good to be true, you’ve got a 2 for 3 situation. 5. Have a plan. If you cannot articulate what your current process is. It will be hard for a researcher to achieve any level of success.
6. Make time. In the recruitment arena, an offshore researcher will take about 15 minutes per day of your time to manage them. Sometimes more and sometimes less. Be prepared. 7. Beware of metered results. If you are getting 8-10 resumes per day, every day…something is wrong. When I was a recruiter, some days I would get nothing and some days I would get a windfall of candidates. Wake up and smell the appeasement. This is usually a symptom of firms that do the 2 for 3 trick. Don’t except it, call them on it. 8. Undergo a process audit. Before connecting a new client with a remote researcher, Broadlook performs a technology and process audit. This has been critical for our clients to understand what their current processes are, and what resources they have to accomplish their goals. 9. Have defined timelines for each task and a weekly schedule outlining what they should do and when. This is more important at the beginning stages. 10. Know how to do their job. This will give you insight into how long repetitive tasks will take and will allow you should budget for them. 15 tips:working with offshore research
11. Host onsite. With today's technology there is no reason for research to be done on a terminal thousands of miles away. Set up an in-house research station and give them remote access to it. You can use logmein for free to accomplish this. logmein 12. Watch them work. Requires in-house research station, but wow, you can really tell something about someone’s efficiency by watching them work for an hour. 13. Work with several firms. When I compared results of one firm against another, I was surprised. All firms are not equal. 14. Get a referral. If you need recruitment research done, don’t use a firm that does offshore mapping services. Most firms will take any business they can get. Make sure you are picking a firm that specialized. 15. Check certifications, training and tenure. Insist on a researcher with at least six months of experience. If you have multiple researchers, it is ok to have a new person as long as the team lead is a veteran. All researchers I work with go through Broadlook’s certification program. 15 tips:working with offshore research
Measuring Research Success… Research cannot be measured by what is done with that research Create an up front contract with researcher Measure success based on definable, measurable and attainable goals set by the up front contract The Law of Measurable Results (The 7 th Law of Internet Research)
44 And now some FREE stuff!
Contact Information is changing...
Captures single or lists of contact information from various electronic formats. Works with web pages, documents, spreadsheets, or any source that can be cut & paste from. Eliminate manual data entry and cut & paste of contact information.
48 Stop by the Broadlook booth to enter a drawing to win: 40 hours of research
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