ALPHABETS are used by people all over the world!
THE HISTORY OF THE ALPHABET begins in Ancient Egypt … begins in Ancient Egypt but the first pure alphabet emerged around 2000 B.C. but the first pure alphabet emerged around 2000 B.C.
We are using the alphabet that was developed long ago by: PhoeniciansGreeksRomans The Phoenicians, Greeks and Romans came from the Mediterranean area.
Egyptian Hieroglyphics The Phoenicians picked some signs from the Egyptian hieroglyphics and modified them.
THE GREEKS They inherited the alphabet invented by the Phoenicians and used it to write their great literature.
THE ROMANS They developed the alphabet we still use today.
The Latin Alphabet ……. is the most widespread alphabet in the world. It was born in VIII century B.C from the Greek alphabetIt was born in VIII century B.C from the Greek alphabet It consists of 26 lettersIt consists of 26 letters
In the course of its use, the Latin alphabet was adapted for use in new languages. In the course of its use, the Latin alphabet was adapted for use in new languages. To represent new sounds, extensions were created. To represent new sounds, extensions were created. Ë Ū Ş Ō Ģ Č å ç Í ţ ž
In the project PPTs you can hear the sounds of the Latin alphabet (with additions) in different languages…..and of other alphabets.