Removes to L4th Choices a) Creative & Technical Choice Art Design Technology Drama Electronics Music You will do 2 of these next year You will do 2 of these next year Put “1”, “2”, “3” in the order of preference against 3 of them Put “1”, “2”, “3” in the order of preference against 3 of them Everyone will get “1” and most will get “2” Everyone will get “1” and most will get “2” If two are in equal second preference, write “2” twice If two are in equal second preference, write “2” twice Only put “1” once Only put “1” once
Removes to L4th Choices a) Creative & Technical Choice Art Design Technology Drama Electronics Music Note that you can choose to continue to GCSE even if you have not done the subject in the L4th year, although it is rare pupils choose to do this.
Removes to L4th Choices b) Language Choice Classical LanguageClassical Greek Modern Foreign LanguageGerman Russian Spanish You will continue with French and Latin in the L4th year on top of the language choice you make above.
Removes to L4th Choices If choosing the Modern Foreign Language Option German Russian Spanish Put “1”, “2”, “3” in the order of preference. Put “1”, “2”, “3” in the order of preference. If two are in equal first preference, write “1” twice If two are in equal first preference, write “1” twice If two are in equal second preference, write “2” twice If two are in equal second preference, write “2” twice “3” should only appear, at most, once “3” should only appear, at most, once Most will get “1” and all will get “2” at least. Most will get “1” and all will get “2” at least. N.b. For the vast majority of you there will be no reason to choose between German, Russian or Spanish.
Removes to L4th Choices Deadline for Options Form: Tuesday 4 th Feb by 8.25am to tutor Late forms will get lower priority and those options will be done after all the other forms have been considered.
German, Russian and Spanish
German, Russian and Spanish are phonetic - once you know the alphabet, you say what you see.
English and German are Germanic languages which means they share some of the same roots and have many similarities. For example: Hair – Haar Lamp – Lampe Shoe – Schuh Light - Licht
Spanish and French are romance languages which means they both have Latin roots and have many similarities. English also has some roots in Latin. For example: Música – musique – music
Russian uses the Cyrillic alphabet. But don’t worry, only some letters are different! Many words such as sport, park, port and taxi all sound the same as in English.
Good reasons to choose a language: I studied it before and enjoyed it. I have family there. My Mum/Dad is German/Russian/Spanish.
Bad reasons to choose a language: We go skiing regularly We go on beach holidays regularly My old teacher was boring It sounds horrible I like/dislike the food My friends are studying it
Greek gives you the opportunity to learn a new alphabet. Several of the letters will be familiar to you from maths or science. c = 2 r test -particles -rays angle
Learning Classical Greek gives you the chance to extend your understanding of English. e.g. telephone (tele = from afar, phone = voice) telescope (tele = from afar, skopos = a look-out)
Many unusual scientific and technical words are derived from Greek. e.g. plasma, asthma, ion. ἀ σθμα ἰ ων
Why should I study Greek? I am already enjoying Latin. I have an interest in the Classical World. I enjoy a challenge. I am looking forward to studying another language which has influenced my own. I hope that the logical thinking required will help with all my subjects.