Chapter 1 Computer architecture Languages: machine, assembly, high Memory, register, data format, instruction (format and set), addressing mode, I/O Sequential, parallel, pipeline, dual or multi core. Languages: machine, assembly, high System software OS, assembler/linker/loader, compiler, editor, … SIC and SIC/XE architecture Addressing modes Relations among different components of computer Hardware and software Different software
Assembler Functions Two passes: Data structures Directives: Basic Mnemonic Opcode Labels Addresses Extended Program relocation Different instruction formats, addressing modes. Literals, EQU, Expression, Blocks, Control Sections. # and = differences. Two passes: Pass one Assign addresses to all statements in source code Enter names of symbols (labels/literals/blocks/Control Sections) into SYMTAB, LITTAB, ESTAB Save values (addresses, lengths) assigned to symbols for use in pass two Process directives Pass two Translate instructions Convert symbols to addresses. Generate values defined by BYTE and WORD and compute expressions to values. Write object code to object program including Define, Refer, and Modification records. Data structures Tables: OPTABLE, SYMTAB, LITTAB, ESTAB, … , hash/or linked list Location counter: LOCCTR, PROGADDR, CSADDR, … Directives: BYTE, WORD, RESB, RESW, BASE, EQU, USE, LTORG, CSEC, EXTDEF, EXTREF, Object records: Header, End, Text, Modification, Define, Refer, … Relations among source program, (intermediate file), object code, and object program. Relations among assembler, loader, and linker. Different Addressing models
Linker/Loader Summary Loader, Linker, Linking loader, Linkage editor, simple loader, dynamic linking, absolute loader, bootstrap loader. Functions Pass 1: Assign addresses to external symbols Pass 2: loading, relocation, linking Important: how relocation and linking is implemented. Data Structures: ESTAB, PROGADDR, CSADDR, EXECADDR Library search and linking Linking options Dynamic linking
Micro Processor Summary Basic functions Definitions and expansions Features Labels, nested definitions, recursive invocations. Conditional macro processing. IF…ENDIF, WHILE…ENDW, macro-time variables and instructions Keyword parameters Data structures and algorithms NAMTAB, DEFTAB, ARGTAB For recursive invocation, STACK. Relation between macro processors and assemblers
Exam Types: Focus Concepts and functions Identify features True/false Write program and read program Generate object codes for some instructions, particularly, different addressing modes Focus Which belong to hardware, software, or both Functions of assembler, loader/linker, and macro processor Data structures and algorithms for them. Relationship among different components of computer systems/software including assembler, loader/linker, macro-processor, and OS. Difference between some concepts/terms/functions Advantages and disadvantages of some functions/methods.