Watersheds Unit River Features
Meandering River
Meandering Rivers Northern OwensValley, CA Owens River, CA
Braiding River Son-Kul River, Tien Shan Mtns., Kyrgyzstan
Braided River Braided stream. Tien Shan Mtns, Kyrgyzstan
V-shaped Valley
V – shaped valley
Delta building into lake. SE Alaska. Deltas form wherever rivers encounter standing bodies of water such as lakes or oceans
Delta Delta and alpine lake Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming
Alluvial Fan One Alluvial Fan Two Alluvial Fans
Water falls
Oxbow Lake
Chippewa River. Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Mississippi River It flows through Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Illinois, Alabama, Louisiana, Missouri, Minnesota Length 6020 kilometres Number of tributaries250 Source Montana, USA. Mouth Louisiana into the Gulf of Mexico
Amazon River Continent South America It flows throughPeru, Brazil, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia Length 6275 kilometres Number of tributaries Over 200 Source Lago Villafro in the Andes Mountains, Peru Mouth Brazil into the Atlantic Ocean (delta)
Susquehanna River
Sources graphy/rivers/RiverArticles/rivart.htmhttp:// graphy/rivers/RiverArticles/rivart.htm htmlhttp:// html aedia/hutchinson/m html