Please sign in and find your child’s seat!
Welcome To Mrs. Donahue’s Class
Hello! Hello, hello! It’s a brand new year. Filled with fun and learning, Nothing to fear. Sit back and listen, Lend me an ear, I’m your teacher for the rest of this year!
All about me! I have two daughters: Lainey and Evie and a husband: Mike. I LOVE Sports!!!! I love to do crafts! Harker’s Teacher of the Year Certified Crossfit Level 1 Trainer & Speed Power Agility Trainer
This year’s subjects:
Reading McGraw Hill Wonders Series Whole Group Instruction (Comprehension, Skills, Binder) Small Group Instruction (Reinforce weekly skills, 4 groups, routine-centers) Teacher Gathered Materials
Reading McGraw Hill Wonders Series online component. Weekly Digital homework
Language Arts Being A Writer Program: Focus is on a Writers Workshop Community. Genres being taught include: Personal Narrative, Fiction, Expository Nonfiction, Explanatory Writing, Opinion Writing, and Poetry.
Language Arts Grammar Instruction is integrated in the Being a Writer Program. Each student has a Student Skill Practice Book
Math See Mr. Mac’s website.
Social Studies Mrs. Steinmetz
Science Mrs. Steinmetz
Computers 20 minutes of homework in Tech. a week.
Online Textbooks Textbooks are now available. EVERYONE has a new login and password
Homework Please be aware that in the first marking period 10 points are deducted EACH day the homework assignment is late. Then in the second marking period the students lose 50% off of the assignment. In the third and fourth marking period, a grade of "0" is entered if the assignment is not turned in on the due date and will not be collected.
Grading Scale
Formative Assessments: 20% (homework, participation, guided practice) Interim Assessments: 35% (Quizzes, Mini projects, short writing assignments) Summative Assessments: 45% (Tests, major projects, major essays, oral presentations)
Birthday Snack Yes!!!! Birthdays are celebrated in Room #302. However, keep in mind that WE ARE A NUT FREE ZONE. If the snack label reads may contain peanuts the treats will not be allowed entry into my room. (NO COOKIE CAKE)
Parent Teacher Conferences-online scheduling
Schedule Please refer to the front inside cover of your child’s agenda. I have taped a schedule inside for every student. I have also placed a schedule on my webpage.
Odds and Ends Parents can come in for lunch on the following days: October 9 th, January 8 th, March 12 th, and May 14 th Class parties: Only 4 parents permitted Snacks: Appropriate for school ( No blow pops, etc)
I am Amanda Cosgrove
All about me! I live in Glassboro BA in Elementary Ed and Liberal Studies with a Special Ed endorsement from Rowan University 5 th degree black belt. Current Chief Instructor running the Swedesboro Dojo. I’ve been doing karate for 17 years! My favorite subject is Writing!