Pack Company Procedures
Accepting a HIP request from a supplier Allocating the Component Providers Sending the instruction through to the Component Providers Navigation through the HIPSworld menus Completing the Sales Statement and Index Uploading Documents Compiling the completed HIP Ordering a printed copy of the HIP *** NB, Adding a HIP onto HIPSworld is covered in the Agent Supplier Guide. This guide should also be read by Pack company users. Scope of these Procedures
Logging On Enter your address and password to login This website will be branded
Accepting a HIP Request From the Pack Company menu, select Awaiting Authorisation
Start the Instruct Provider Process The next screen lists the requests pending acceptance: Select one from the list Click on View on the left
View Details Work through the menu on the left of the screen to view details of the seller and the property Go to the Supplier Notes menu and add any relevant notes for the component providers
Instructing Component Providers – The HIP Provider NB If any part of the seller’s name details are found to be incorrect, they cannot currently be changed after the instruction has been accepted and sent to the providers. The instruction must be aborted and started again prior to this stage if amendments are necessary.
Surveyors Click on the word Select to select the required SURVEYOR (multiple surveyors can be listed with local or nationwide coverage) Add additional Notes if required Click NEXT or click on Legals on the left menu Select EPC/HCR from the menu on the left or click on Next
Legals Select the Law Firm Add additional Notes if required Click NEXT or click on Searches on the left menu
Searches Select the Search Provider Add additional Notes if required Click NEXT or click on Confirmation on the left menu
Confirmation Check that the providers chosen are correct Check the box to agree the Terms and Conditions – this will bring up another box in which you will be able to add an additional charge if necessary – see next screen
Confirmation Screen - Contd Additional Charges and Modified Fees Modify Provider Fees If the user also has the role Can Change Provider Fees (see Admin guide) they will have a link available named Modify Provider Fees. Selecting Modify Provider Fees will display the following screen which allows the user to modify each of the Providers’ configured charge fees if necessary. Enter any additional charge as necessary, with a description
Confirmation Screen - Contd Modify Provider Fees Enter values Enter a Reason for the change – this is a required field To Cancel the Provider Fee Charges, hover the mouse over the words ‘Cancel Provider Fee Charges’ and click Select Finish. The following input boxes will be displayed:
Viewing HIPs – The HIP Company
Viewing the Progress of HIPs ‘TRAFFIC LIGHT’ colour boxes indicate component STATUS Click View (left hand side) to view components and build HIP Return to the Pack Company, Awaiting Authorisation menu Change the HIP Status field to Transaction Processing Click on the Search button on the right
View Details All details regarding the selected HIP are viewable on the next screens, including providers, pack documents, property details and ledger view Edit information To edit information click on the Edit button on the left of the screen just above the tabs Edit boxes will appear for you to apply changes Click on Save (circled) Click on Toggle Status/Names button (near Edit/Save) to see the Provider names
Toggle Status By clicking on Toggle Status the details above will change to the names and addresses for the Component providers Click on the address to generate an to the provider
View Details- contd Use the tabbed areas (circled) to view more detail The screen defaults to Included Documents – see next screen If documents meet requirements of HIP select the COMPILED HIPS tab Information Tabs
Tab 1 - Included Documents The required documents for this HIP are listed in the Documents Description area of the same screen. NB: on the right of this area above, the date that the document was uploaded is visible. The column next to this details the number of times that the document has been viewed. To upload a document, click on the green link on the left of the document name This will open a dialogue box on top of this screen – see next slide To view a document that has already been uploaded, click on the icon in the same column This will open a dialogue box, click on the Download Now button at the bottom
Tab 1 (contd) Upload Document to HIP The following screen appears: Click on the Browse button (circled) Select the document to upload Click Finish
Tab 1 (contd) Generate Index When all documents have been uploaded for a particular case, click on the Generate Index link (circled) to produce an index for the pack of documents
Tab 2 - Compiled Hips Building HIPs NB: The HIP must show a ‘Ready to Market’ status Click HIP Builder to assemble pack
Building HIPs - contd In the screen that appears, click Next
! IMPORTANT ! All documents to be included in the HIP must be checked carefully before downloading and sending to print.
Building HIPs - contd In the next view, all documents are displayed for checking Delete documents if necessary by clicking on the Red X icon Move to Pending by clicking on the Blue P icon Click on Finish to compile the Hip The HIP has now been assembled and is available for Download
Place Print Order Still in the Compiled HIPs tab: Click on the Place Print Order link (circled) In the screen that appears, click on Save Only Click on Save and Submit to send the request to the printers
Tabs 3, 4 and 5 Not Included Documents: Any other documents that have been provided, eg a seller’s guarantee, can be scanned and, if not required in the pack, can be stored in this section. Provider Notes: Any notes can be entered on this screen, which will be visible to the supplying agent as well as the pack company. Contacts and Property: This shows details of the transaction and of the component providers: NB Depending on your access level, a number of fields can be edited using the Edit button Providers can also be changed at this stage
Tab 6 – Ledger View Standard charges are displayed Additional charges and fees can be added using the links (circled) For more detail on adding extras and print charges, see the HIPsworld Ledger View helpsheet
Reports are available to aid HIP Provider Management Compiled HIPs can be branded, printed and delivered END