Conference Scheduler SummerBug Paula Flagg Yong Mee Lee Louis Lim Maiya Delgoda
The University of KentuckyThe University of Kentucky offers Summer Conference Housing from mid-May through the last week in July to groups with University affiliation or clearly academic or educational purpose. Applications from other types of organizations cannot be accepted. The SummerBug team is going to provide a web-based solution to the Summer Conference Housing in order for the campers to reserve rooms, so that SCH can allocate rooms without any paperwork to be filled. SummerBug The University of KentuckySummerBug Overview
Goals and Objectives Streamline reservation request process with online form submission. Allocate rooms upon reservation receipt. Print registration and payment receipt forms.
Input Screens Client’s side Summer Conference Housing Employees
Client’s Side Web Interface for Select > List of Conferences Conference Begin Date Conference End Date Driving Directions to Dorm complex
Continued.. Registration Form for reservation request Form includes: Name of requester, Address, , Cell- phone, Home-phone, Arrival Date, Departure date, Number of D/Room, Number of S/Room > Submit
Continued.. Double Room Reservation contact info: Name1: Address: H-phone: Emergency contact: Name2: Address: H-phone: Emergency contact:
Single Room Name:Address: Home Phone: Emergency Contact Address: Continued..
SCH Employee’s input Web interface Username: Password:
Continued… Menu: Add conference: Conf.Name, A.Date, D.Date, Building availablility Delete conf: List of Conferences Approve request: List of pending requests - View room allocation - Approve or Decline Print receipts/registration forms Queries Preferences : Add/Delete/Edit user.
Systems Environment Database : Microsoft Access Web interface : HTML, Java scripts, ASP Function implementation : C++, JAVA. Supported browsers: Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator. Security: 128- bit encryption
Data Dictionary Client: A conference attendee. Employee: Summer Housing Conference Management Conference: Academic conferences held on campus Request: Application for group/individual housing for conferences Approve: Verification by the SCH Management to the client. Allocation: Assign room to a client Query: A search with a specific request from the database
Continued… Pending: A request awaiting approval Receipts/Registration forms: Key allocation and proof of payment Access Level: Authorization to make changes Primary key: In regards to the Database it is an unique identifier for each entry. Double Occupancy: 2 clients in one room Single Occupancy: 1 client per room Master List: A list of all clients to assigned to a building during a specified time period. approval: An sent to the client with confirmation of reservation Text Message: A text message sent to the client with confirmation of reservation
Test Plan Submit multiple requests forms: -Verify that the system catches invalid inputs Room Allocations: - No double bookings of rooms Optimize room allocations: - Limit number of empty rooms Run queries to verify data consistency
Thank you