1 Insert a square and a rectangle below. Change the fill color and the line color of the square to red. Change the fill color and the line color of the rectangle to yellow. Resize the rectangle so that it touches the blue line on each side.
2 Insert a circle in the box below. Resize the circle so that it touches the four sides of the box. Change the Fill Effects of the circle to the following specifications using the Gradient options: Select One Color and make the circle blue Choose the darkest color setting Change the shading style to diagonal up. Change the line color of the circle so that it has no line.
3 Ungroup the shapes below. Change the order of the shapes so that they are in this order from front to back: oval, moon, lightning, star, square. Regroup the shapes into one object.
4 Make each line below a different color and a different thickness. Make the last two lines dashed lines.
5 Connect the dots in numerical order using a free form line. Be sure to connect dot 26 to dot 1. When you are done, change the fill color of the shape to no fill. Change the line style to 4½ pts and the line color to black.
6 Using a curve line, complete the maze on the following slide from the start arrow to the trophy. When you are finished, change the color of the line to green and the line style to 2½ pts.
Start here
7 Vertical Align: Line up the icons below with the left- most one Horizontal Align: Line up the hearts with the one in the center Align & Distribute: Line up the and evenly space out (horizontally) the blue spheres
8 Line up the red pins with the top-most one. Line up the blue pins with the right-most one. Evenly distribute the red pins horizontally. Evenly distribute the blue pins vertically. Flip all of the red pins horizontally.
9 Use Edit Points to transform the freeform shape below into a 5-pointed star.
10 Insert a callout that says “I Love ICS 101”. Adjust the callout appropriately so that it gives the illusion of a talking turtle. Group the turtle and the callout. “I Love ICS 101”.
11 Ungroup the clip art image below. Convert it to a Microsoft Drawing Object. Change the body color of the sheep to red. Change the color of the horns and the feet to yellow. Change the background color of the picture to blue. Group everything in the picture together.
12 Consider the following web addresses: www2.hawaii.edu/~user/candy/snickers.htm www2.hawaii.edu/~user/movies/memento.htm Finish the hierarchical structure below. Use rectangles to represent folders and ovals to represent files. Use CONNECTORS between folders or files. user public_html candy movies snickers.htmmemento.htm
13 Draw a picture in the box below using the vector graphics tools you have learned. Your picture should have a minimum of 5 elements (shapes, lines, etc.). Example:
Bulleted Lists Lists of items are useful. They may provide an outline for a speaker or organize information for a reader. Usually, each item in a list has a “bullet” in front. This makes it easier to see how many items there are and draws your eye to the start of each item. It is better if your bullets are more dramatic than the simple “dot” provided in most presentation graphics packages. On the next slide, you will make your own “bullet” and use it as an anchor for a short list of items
Some examples are shown on the previous slide Make a Bullet Use the tools you’ve learned to make a bullet. It should be quite large here. Your bullet should have a minimum of 3 elements (shapes, lines, etc.). Group your bullet into one object when you are done. 14
Use Your Bullet Copy your bullet and paste it in front of each list item, making sure it is an appropriate size. Align and distribute your bullets appropriately. Superman vs. Batman X-Men or Maniacs? Life After Comics Who is Stan Lee? 15