Office 365 Basics
If you are working at school, you need to know this. Otherwise, skip this slide and the next slide. When you sit down at a City Schools computer, you should be starting out with a blue screen so that you can log in as yourself. This is important because you will not be able to log in to Office 365 if you did not start with the blue screen and log in as yourself. If you need to get to the blue screen, hold down control, alt, and delete keys at the same time, then click "log out>"
Logging In on the Blue Screen: 1.You will see two boxes. In the top box, type your lunch number. 2.In the second box, type M3atloaf 3.If you do this, and another box with four boxes show up: Leave the first two boxes alone! Type M3atloaf in the third and fourth box.
Once you put the cursor in here, you will go directly to Office365 IF you are on a school computer. If you are anywhere else, you will have to put in your City Schools address as your login, and the password you use to get on to the library computers.
Choose a program to work with, or create a new folder. These are folders and documents I have already done.
Uncheck “require sign-in”
Type in the instructor’s name. His address will pop up. Click on the address.
Click the SHARE button.
Click the back button.
Here’s the document—automatically saved.
Always log out when you are done.
Coming Back To Work On a Document Later One you leave a document, it saves itself and "locks" itself. When you open it later, you can look at it, but you can't change anything. If you want to unlock your document and make changes, look at the toolbar at the top of the screen. Click EDIT, then click EDIT ONLINE. You can now make changes.