14/06/2004NORPIE Paralleling of 3-phase inverters a part of my PhD study: "Control and monitoring for distributed power supply“ which is a part of the project "Technologies for Reliable Distributed Generation of Electrical Power from Renewable Energy Sources” Erik Hoff, Tore Skjellnes, prof. Lars Norum
14/06/2004NORPIE Overview of lab setup to be built Capacitor Battery Sun Wind : Renewable energy source =/~ : 3-phase inverters DC Energy storage Grid Consumers Internal communication system External communication system Focus today
14/06/2004NORPIE Outline of Presentation Simulation of two 3-phase inverters using a virtual resistor »LC filter dampening »Load sharing »Simulation results
14/06/2004NORPIE Problem: LC filter resonance Inverter A =/~ Inverter B 1.3mH0.3mH 1.3mH1mH 65µF Diode rectifier load Solution: Negative current feedback → Virtual resistor Load
14/06/2004NORPIE Where to place the virtual resistor? Two possible locations: –R1 is most common, but expensive –R2 is used here, because the inductor current I L,αβ already is available due to overcurrent protection I L,αβ V C,αβ
14/06/2004NORPIE High load problem Series resistor will give voltage drop! Solution: Band-pass filtering
14/06/2004NORPIE Band pass filtering of inductor current Still a resistor at 50Hz?
14/06/2004NORPIE Load sharing between two voltage sources An inductor L is necessary to decrease the disturbance (load current) frequency A virtual (series) resistor R can be added for improved load sharing VEVE VSVS L R
14/06/2004NORPIE Phasor diagram – Inductance and resistance contributions to load sharing V s I s,q R IsIs IsRIsR I s,p R I s,p VEVE I s,q VsVs I s,p j X IsIs IsjXIsjX I s,q j X I s,q VEVE I s,p Pure inductance Pure resistance
14/06/2004NORPIE Simulations results for traditional (increased gain by 4x) and virtual resistor based load sharing vector Control assuming an inductive transmission line. P: 4% frequency droop Q: 24% voltage droop + Good load sharing - Poor dampening Control assuming a resistive transmission line P: (24%) voltage droop Q: 4% frequency increase + Good dampening - 20% load sharing difference
14/06/2004NORPIE Conclusion A band pass filter makes it possible to use a virtual resistor in series with the load for LC-filter dampening. –Cheaper and simpler than a virtual resistor in series with the filter capacitor. The use of a virtual resistor requires rotation of the load sharing vector. –Good oscillation dampening, but load sharing may be uneven The traditional control method assuming inductive transmission line has poor active power dampening. –Some special ”tricks” may be used to decrease response time: Adding a phase angle in addition to the frequency (Patent US6,693,809 by Alfred Engler)
14/06/2004NORPIE Thank you for your attention