Damage Claim Work Order Review 06/18/2010 rev 12/2010 FEMO PD INFO rev 9/2011 LAM info rev 10/2013 rev 03/2015
Change Reporting Period to “All” and Type in Work Order to be Reviewed Click “Execute” Button
A list of all employees reported to the work order will generate. You must verify list for accuracy. Note: Verify any employees who may have recently retired or bid to another location. Now foreman and assist foreman can be reported to claims also.
Click the work order number in the “Receiver” column.
The work order screen will appear.
To check goods issued to the work order go to Extras → Documents for Order → Goods Movements
This will give you a list of material issued to the order. Verify all material for accuracy.
After material is verified, “Green Arrow” back.
To check Equipment reported to the work order go to Extras → Documents for Order → Completion confirmations.
A list of the equipment reported to the work order will populate. Verify for accuracy.
“Green arrow” back
Go to Extras → Documents for Order → Document Flow
A list will appear that will show you if a purchase order is associated with this work order.
If a purchase order appears in the list, click on the purchase order number to highlight. Then go to Environment → Display Document
The purchase order will display for you to review.
By performing these steps you will have verified all of the information reported to your damage claim work order is accurate and reflects the information that has been entered into the header text of the work order. If the damage claim work orders are physically completed in a timely manner and this process is performed, most errors should be identified and corrected before the work order is TECO’d. The “Notice of Completion” then, and only then, should be sent to the Risk Management and Finance Departments for processing. Any issues with accuracy of information reported on the work orders will be sent by Accounting or Risk Management Departments to the appropriate District PD Claims or FEMO DISTRICT address for resolution.
Completion Notice from the Operations Manager / (FEMO) District Facility Supervisor shall be sent after the review of work order and work order has been TECO’d. Copy to your district or FEMO pd claims mailbox. Subject Line: Completion Notice for “DC XXXX” Information Required in Body of –DC Number –Work Order Number or Numbers –Physical Completion Date –Brief Description of Damage Repairs Note: Attach pictures of the damage if not previously provided when requesting the property damage claim number (WBS). See next page/slide for example of completion notice to PD Claims
FEMO Example of notifying PDClaims mailbox