Warm-up What is the Congress of Vienna, and what is its main purpose?
At the Congress of Vienna (1815), the governments of Europe reacted to the French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon by attempting to A. Spread the idea of democracy B. Restore old regimes to power C. Encourage nationalist movements D. Promote the European free-trade zone
Revolutions in Latin America
Warm-up How did the Enlightenment lead to the French Revolution? How could the French Revolution inspire other countries to revolt?
Uprising in Haiti Haiti an island in the Caribbean The 1 st Latin American revolution took place in the French colony of Haiti 90% of Haitians were slaves who worked fields to provide Europe with sugar and coffee In the 1790s, Toussaint L’Ouverture (a former slave) led a revolt against the French Eventually captured and died in a French prison Haitians took advantage of French soldiers’ sickness due to malaria and defeated the French In 1804, Haiti became Latin America’s 1 st independent former colony
Why did Spain collect colonies? 3 reasons: God – convert people to Roman Catholicism Glory – expand power of Spain Gold – to get rich (mercantilism)
Class system in Latin America Peninsulares – people born in Spain Mestizos – mixed European and Indian ancestry Creoles – fully Spanish, born in Latin America Africans Mulattos – mixed European and African ancestry IIndians
Revolutions Creoles in Latin America well educated, but couldn’t hold political power – During 1700s, they go back to Europe for education, read latest in books What sorts of readings are going to be popular at this time? Why would the Creoles be the most likely group to lead a revolution?