40,000 volunteers staffed more than 50,000 enrollment events across the country 90 percent of people with Medicare have drug coverage More than 80 percent of beneficiaries say they are satisfied with their coverage Success in Year 1: National Partners and Grassroots Efforts
Lessons Learned from Year 1 Grassroots network of partners critical to enrollment success, including intergenerational connections Beneficiaries require face-to-face counseling and conversations to make confident decisions in the enrollment process Developing smart strategies for engaging ethnic populations where they live, work, play and pray is critical to message immersion Family and friends of beneficiaries heavily relied on online tools to navigate the Part D decision process Communicating a deadline and “safety net” message helped drive enrollment by May 15 Media partnerships (TV, radio, print) combined with paid advertising on counseling events helped drive awareness of deadline
My Health. My Medicare. Medicare offers personalized information –on-line, in person in the community and on the phone— that will help people better understand their health care options, make smarter Medicare health and drug plan choices, and ensure they get the most out of their Medicare.
Objectives for Fall 2006 Define open enrollment & successfully serve those who are enrolling or making a change Leverage true collaborative partnerships Highlight and encourage utilization of Medicare resources Increase awareness and utilization of preventive benefits
Strategy Help beneficiaries understand and evaluate their Medicare health and prescription drug coverage. Set the stage for a shortened open enrollment period
Phases September 13 – October 15: Know It. October 15 – November 15: Evaluate It. November 15 – December 8: Choose It. December 9 – December 31: Do It.
Target Populations People with Medicare including: –General Medicare population 65+ Disabled –Duals who will be reassigned –Former duals who need to apply for LIS –Beneficiaries facing a significant premium increase (10% or more) –Those likely to switch plans (based on premium increases, formulary changes, etc.) Ethnic populations: African American, Hispanic, AAPI, Native American Friends, family members and others who counsel people with Medicare
Themes Medicare offers personalized information –on-line, in person in the community and on the phone—that will help people better understand their health care options, make smarter Medicare health and drug plan choices, and ensure they get the most out of their Medicare. People with Medicare should conduct a My Health. My Medicare. “Enrollment Check-up” annually beginning in mid-October to examine their Medicare health and prescription drug coverage to ensure it meets their needs, and make sure they are taking advantage of available preventive benefits.
Themes (cont.) Medicare’s open enrollment, which begins Nov 15th and ends December 31st, is the one chance this year people with Medicare have to make a change in their health and prescription drug plans. People with Medicare can significantly reduce their chances of having to stand in long lines and encountering potential problems on January 1st if they enroll or make changes to the Medicare health or prescription drug plan by December 8th. Medicare partners with many people in the community to provide assistance in helping consumers make confident and informed health care decisions.
Tactical Execution
Low-Income Subsidy Individuals who no longer automatically qualify –No longer have both Medicare and Medicaid –Belong to a Medicare Savings Program (partial dual- eligible) –Receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits Encourage these individuals to apply for the extra help with SSA or their Medicaid office.
LIS (cont.) Some people will continue to automatically qualify for extra help, but have a change in co-payment (increase or decrease) People who applied and qualified for extra help in 2006 will be reviewed for eligibility again for 2007.
Low-Income Subsidy: Reassignment Certain low-income beneficiaries will be reassigned to new PDPs for Reassignments will be needed in cases where plans will no longer have premiums below the low-income subsidy amount. Goal is to eliminate premium liability for the beneficiary.
Next Steps Help beneficiaries understand options and enroll- especially LIS population Maintain and strengthen partnerships Raise awareness about Medicare’s resources, including mymedicare.gov Pivot to prevention