Study Program Comparison Protocol vs Proposal W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
TEPPC Protocol 2 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL 2014 NovDec Jan 2015 FebMarAprMayJun 2015 Today TEPPC responds to requests for reconsideration 6/15/2015 Stakeholders submit requests for reconsideration 5/15/2015 TEPPC posts proposed Study Program 3/31/2015 TAS posts draft Study Program 2/28/2015 Open Season 11/1/ /31/2015 Staff creates consolidated list of study requests 2/1/ /28/2015 TAS creates recommended Study Program 2/1/ /28/2015 TEPPC convenes open meeting to develop Study Program 3/1/ /31/2015 TAS presents draft Study Program 3/1/ /31/2015 TEPPC prioritizes study requests 3/1/ /31/2015 TEPPC considers requests for reconsideration 5/15/ /15/2015 Stakeholders consider submitting requests for reconsideration 4/1/ /15/2015
Proposed Process 3 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL 2014 NovDec Jan 2015 FebMarAprMay 2015 Today TEPPC considers approving Study Program 5/7/15 Stakeholders submit requests for reconsideration 4/28/15 Study Program posted for TEPPC review 4/14/15 TAS posts draft Study Program for work group review 4/3/15 Open Season 11/1/ /31/2015 TAS, work groups and staff prepare draft Study Program 2/1/ /31/2015 Work groups review draft Study Program 4/3/ /9/2015 Stakeholders consider submitting requests for reconsideration 4/14/ /28/2015
Reasons for Revised Process This is a transition year for the TEPPC Work Plan Earlier approval of the Study Program will provide earlier guidance on work prioritization Stakeholders have been involved significantly in 2015 to date through TAS and work group discussions 4 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
Key Decisions for Resource Management 1.Will WECC produce an Interconnection-wide transmission report in 2015? 2.In view of that decision, which activities are priorities for the balance of 2015? a)Updates to the Common Case b)Study cases (10-year and 20-year) included in the 2014 TEPPC Study Program c)Study cases (10-year and 20-year) included in the 2015 TEPPC Study Program d)Reliability work (e.g., Round Trip) e)Issue-oriented work (e.g., 111(d) analyses) 5 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL