Colchester Laparoscopic Jane Hendricks Bsc (hons) Surgical Care Practitioner: Laparoscopic Surgery Integrated Laparoscopic Operating Theatres: The Way of the Future? Essex Rivers Healthcare NHS Trust Colchester General Hospital
Colchester Laparoscopic Evolution of Laparoscopy at Essex Rivers Healthcare Trust n st laparoscopic cholecystectomy n st lap teaching course n 1994 Appoint 2 nd lap surgeon n st nurse teaching course n 1998 number of courses increase n st lap theatre in the UK opened n 2002 appoint lap surgeon & lap nurse n 2004 appoint lap surgeon & lap fellow n lap theatres opened. n 2005 launch of ICENI concept, education centre.
Colchester Laparoscopic Why n Current stack system to heavy to move, moving and handling. n Wiring system and button pushing complicated. n Having to individually set each piece of equipment, turn around times.
Colchester Laparoscopic The Tardis! n As you can see very complicated. n Problems when picture in picture is required n To many opportunities for baby technos to interfere n Which button do I press next? n Shall I plug this in here?
Colchester Laparoscopic What We Have Now
Colchester Laparoscopic One of The Two Lap Theatres
Colchester Laparoscopic Health and safety n Problems with old style theatres trailing cables, heavy equipment to manoeuvre. n Reduced patient access n Having to set up each individual piece of equipment.
Colchester Laparoscopic Computerised communication tower n SCB- Storz Communication Bus, future proofed. n AIDA-advanced image and data archiving, allows video editing, printing and part of EPR. n Media Control- powerful tele video conferencing system and transmission of images, can be used for telemedicine, telementoring and remote teaching
Colchester Laparoscopic Integrated Operating Theatre n State of the art n Scrub team controlled n Links together via interface, all surgical equipment including op table, room lights, diathermy, etc. n Future proofed, important.
Colchester Laparoscopic Advantages n Being boom mounted is important as this much safer for equipment. n Easier for staff to move, health and safety. n Enables us to position monitors where they are required. n Trailing cables are removed from floor.
Colchester Laparoscopic Advantages n Ease of use for all theatre staff. n Training time: by the end of two weeks regular staff where happy to use system on their own. n Touch screen enables circulator to change settings without entering sterile field.
Colchester Laparoscopic Advantages n Having the system all wired and mounted to the ceiling means that people can’t borrow it!! n Trouble shooting is much less complex as once system is set up less to go wrong, in theory !!!!! n Stops hybrid systems being used so always get best quality image.
Colchester Laparoscopic Location n As some equipment can be remote located less equipment in theatre. n Infection control issues etc n Computers are now smaller and as we now have flat screens the equipment occupies a smaller area.
Colchester Laparoscopic Picture in Picture. n On old system complex for people to remember. n Now even without any formal training, it is possible to produce PIP as is self explanatory.
Colchester Laparoscopic Advantages: remote controller n Allows the scrub person to alter settings and become more self sufficient less people in theatres these days. n Better as allows you to alter many other settings including light control, safety issue. - user friendly, as not on stand. - user friendly, as not on stand. -however need extra drape. -however need extra drape.
Colchester Laparoscopic Disadvantages n Training and competencies, however all specialities have new equipment. n Team approach ever more important, lap surgery is a team effort. n Initial stages reliant on company for problem solving until experience gained. n Getting funding!!
Colchester Laparoscopic Future Aspirations n DVD writer to store moving images on, storage still an issue. n Facility to always record the images. n Infra-red to remove the cables. n ?voice activation of real benefit, especially in times of stress!!!!. n More equipment to be remote located.
Colchester Laparoscopic Acknowledgements Professor Roger Motson Mr. Tan Aruampalam Mr Ralph Austin Mr Giles
Colchester Laparoscopic Thank You For your Time.
Colchester Laparoscopic
Colchester Laparoscopic
Colchester Laparoscopic
Colchester Laparoscopic
Colchester Laparoscopic
Colchester Laparoscopic
Colchester Laparoscopic
Colchester Laparoscopic
Colchester Laparoscopic
Colchester Laparoscopic
Colchester Laparoscopic
Colchester Laparoscopic
Colchester Laparoscopic
Colchester Laparoscopic
Colchester Laparoscopic
Colchester Laparoscopic