Lets Learn About Colonial Times By Bailey, Conner, Spencer, and Chapmann
Do you want to learn about Colonial times? We hope you do because we created a great slide show.We hope you like our slide show that you are about to see.
Transportation Colonial people used conestoga wagons when they went far. They also used horses. In winter they rode sleds in the snow. They used different kinds of wagons when they traveled. They also had boats to travel in the water. The fastest way to travel was by boat. They walked most places. It took a long time to get to places when they traveled. It was very hard to travel. Most times they traveled slowly..
Jobs and Tools In Colonial times Blacksmiths made things out of iron. Blacksmiths made almost everything.They made bells for cows. They made axes. Coopers were craftsmans too, and they made tubs. They made barrels to store food. There were different types of barrels. Cabinet Makers made funiture out of wood and then carved designs into them. Cobblers made shoes.They fixed old shoes and made new shoes. Silversmiths made dishes like silverware, cups, and bowls. Sometimes Silversmiths could be women. l
Entertainment Entertainment means fun games. Hopscotch was a way of entertainment. They played Rounders which is the sixteenth century game of basebal. Flying kites was a very fun game, and they played marbles too.
Homes Early colonial houses were made of sticks and bark. The roof was made of vines. They sometimes lived in caves. Most had fire places. They had a main room. Some were two stories high. The most important item was the fire place. They had no closets. Children ate standing. s
Food Some of the foods they ate in colonial days were corn, bread, hens, eggs, and milk. They ate all kinds of animal meat such as lobsters, clams, rabbits, squirrels, bears, and deers. They also ate fruits and vegetables. They drank water and cider. Moms,Dads, and even the kids drank beer.
Family life The children have to work hard. They helped each other. As many as five children lived in the same house. The men hunted birds. The girls made soap. Boys learned a trade. The women and girls raised crops.
Schools In Colonial schools there was only one room and one teacher.The first schools were dame schools. Schools were made of logs. You had to be from six to twelve years old to be in school. People didn’t drive cars to school so they had to walk to school. Unlike us going to school Mon-Fri., they had to go Mon-Sat. They wrote with a quill pen and dipped it in ink to write. School began at seven or eight. School ended at four or five. They read horn books that had the alphabet and bible verses on one page.
Clothing Men wore felt hats, a ruff, a doublet, cuffs, breeches, garters, stockings, and shoes.Women wore coifs, pettycoats, waistcoats, shifts, aprons, and shoes.They buttoned their pants because they had no zippers. Children wore gowns until age seven.
Likes and Differences Likes Colonial people are like us and these are the ways they are like us.At schools they eat inside like us. People help others.We have people to make shoes for us too.We eat soup too.We all wear clothes.We all ride horses. Differences We think colonial people are different from us and this is why we think so.The schools had one room and one teacher.They did not have electricity. Kids drank beer.Women wore coifs. They rode wagons.Most of the furniture we have is made in a factory.