United Nations Specialised Agencies
In order to meet its aims the UN has a number of specialised agencies, each of which has specialised skills and staff to meet the needs of developing countries. WHO - World Health Organisation FAO -Food and Agricultural Organisation UNICEF- UN International Children’s Emergency Fund UNESCO -UN Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation UNHCR - UN High Commission for Refugees
World Health Organisation World Health Organisation This organisation promotes good health and good medical facilities. What it does Helps governments set up health facilities Trains health professionals Develops primary health care at a local level Organises mass immunisation programmes.
UNESCO This organisation’s aim is to develop education in its broadest sense. Not just improving literacy and numeracy but also promotes the arts and sciences. Helps governments establish compulsory education systems Sends advisers to create quality education Works to save monuments and works of art encourages and promotes cultural,artistic and musical exchanges amongst member states.
UNICEF Its aim is to help children and their mothers when they are in need Organises emergency relief after a disaster Works with WHO to set up medical facilities and organises mass immunisation programmes. School projects to reduce the level of illiteracy Projects to help mothers cope with their children including safe motherhood and breast feeding campaigns.
Food and Agricultural Organisation Food and Agricultural Organisation Aim is to help governments train people to work the land efficiently; using appropriate technology Research better farming methods. Supplying experts Irrigation and fertilisation schemes.
UNHCR This organisation works with those who are displaced from their own homeland because of natural disaster or civil war. They set up camps and with the other agencies provide shelter food and emergency healthcare.