Your Student’s Union!!
Ideally we are a group of students made up of representatives from every year and every ethnic group. In reality anyone who joins is welcome, and we hope we have a good representative mix of our uni as this is the best way to ensure we meet the needs of as many students as possible.
This a rundown of what PEPA did for our students last year: Acoustic night: A fun evening where musically talented students from UPOL and ERASMUS joined forces to showcase their musical talents. ESN/PEPA Ball: Every year the Czech student’s Student Union (Spolek Mediku) put on a Medical Ball for all students. Last year PEPA wanted to try our hand at putting one on as well, with a more international flair. Together with the Erasmus Students Network we succeeded and had a blast.
Sports Day: We arranged a day for student’s to unwind and have some fun competitions against each other.
Tutorials: Thanks to great effort from some of our higher achieving students we held tutorials to assist students in some of the classes that have historically been quite challenging. Last year our focus was on Pathophysiology and Anatomy Inter-uni Wiki: Together with the Brno and Prague Medical programs we are working to put together a note-sharing system aimed specifically to answer our exam questions as is best for our programs here.
A major goal last year was to improve and soldify our relationship with the other main Student groups. UPUN: University Palacky United Nations Made up of reps from IFMSA, SM and PEPA our aim is to put on a few events during the year for both Czech and English students so we can all get to know each other better. Increased interaction with CZEMSA: We really hope to have a solid alliance between the Olomouc division of CZEMSA and PEPA this year.
This year we would like to create a PEPA DVD with a collaboration of all of our notes on it. This will need to be upgraded from time to time, but at least you can all be prepared for your classes and ensure that you are not missing any important information. We would also like to cooperate with the other student groups in planning a trip of two this year.
When applying for residency hospitals love to see that you have done a few things other than simply study. It shows teamwork, leadership, a willingness to help others, plus it is a great way to give yourself a break from school, school and more school. Our uni has agreed to make up certificates for those who have helped out with PEPA.