ESTABLISH COMMUNICATION BETWEEN TEACHER, PARENTS, AND STUDENTS. *Planners will be filled out by the students at the end of each day. *Classroom information will be sent home via . *Parents have access to grades online through the district website. Grades will be updated weekly, so that parents can monitor student achievement. *Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. My address is
DEVELOP GOOD STUDY HABITS. *Students will have assigned homework each night composing of math and/or reading pages. The assigned homework will be due the following day. Students will have a math journal they may take home to use as a homework guide. Math homework videos will be online. Students will be assigned a book report every four to six weeks. Please encourage your student to earn the 40 book challenge this year. *On occasion students will have homework in social studies, art, health, technology and writing. *All homework is to be turned in on time. Additional time will be given to those students who are absent. *Students may redo any assignment below 84% in order to more fully understand the concept. However, the assignment must be redone during the week the concept is being taught. The new score will be given.
SMART GRADING SYSTEM Standards Master Reporting Tool Davis School District created the Davis Essential Skills and Knowledge, also known as the DESK Standards, which students must know and be able to do at each grade level or in each course. Standards-based teaching and reporting is not new in Davis. The SMART tool is an updated version of an earlier mastery reporting system. Grading. I will be using the district ‐ wide grading system. It is based on mastery of the core standards. Percent grades will be given on daily assignments. (100% ‐ 85%=3/84% ‐ 80%=2.75/79% ‐ 75%=2.5/74% ‐ 70%=2.25/69% ‐ 60%=2/59% ‐ 5 0%=1.75/49% ‐ 40=1.5/39% ‐ 30%=1.25/29% ‐ 20%=1) 3's are given to students who have meet or exceeded grade level standards. 2's are given to students who perform below grade level standards. 1's are given to students who perform far below grade level standards.
STUDENTS WILL BE EXPOSED TO DIFFERENT TEACHING STYLES THROUGH AFTERNOON ROTATIONS. We will rotate with Mrs. Jacobsen’s class every other week. Tentative Rotations September: Science: Heat and Light Social Studies: Ancient Civilizations and Mesopotamia October: Science: Sound and Scientific Process Social Studies: Egypt November/December: Science: Bactria and Protists Social Studies: Rome December/January: Science: Fungi and Viruses Social Studies: Greece February: Science: Science Fair Social Studies: Middle Ages March: Science: Space Renaissance: Social Studies: Renaissance April: Science: Phases of the Moon Social Studies: Chinese Civilization May: Science: Review for End-of-Level Testing
PROMOTE POSITIVE INTERACTIONS BETWEEN PEERS, STAFF, AND ADMINISTRATION *Encourage students to develop new friendships by playing through sports (tournaments), group activities, and assigned partner classroom assignments. *Reinforce positive behavior by rewarding the students with classroom rewards and sixth grade activities. *Understand there are consequences for negative behavior by signing the clipboard, losing a privilege, or receiving a Tiger Behavior Ticket.
40 BOOK CHALLENGE Requirements: Read at least 20 minutes per night on your reading level. A student’s vocabulary, knowledge base, and overall academic skills will improve if a student reads often. Required Elements: *2 Poetry Anthologies *5 Realistic Fiction *2 Historical Fiction *2 Science Fiction *5 Fantasy *4 Mystery *5 Informational *5 Biography or Autobiography *10 Chapter Book Choice
BOOK REPORTS September - Genre: Autobiography/Biography Assignment: Dress as your character. October – Genre: Science Fiction Assignment: Movie Poster November/December - Genre: Fiction Assignment: Newspaper January - Genre: Fantasy Assignment: In a …….. February- Genre: Realistic Fiction Assignment: Book Sandwich March – Genre: Nonfiction Assignment: Box Diorama April- Genre: Fiction Assignment: Cereal Box May- Country Reports Research
MRS. HYATT’S CLASS SCHEDULE Monday - Thursday 8:45 – 9:00 Self Starter 9:00 – 10:30 Mathematics 10:30 – 10: 50 Word Work (Writing, Grammar, or Spelling) 10:55 – 11:25 Scatter Groups (small group instruction Math/Language Arts) 11:30 – 12:20 Art, Library, Computer, or P.E. 12:25 – 1:10 Recess and Lunch 1:10 – 2:10 Language Arts 2:10 – 2:25 Recess 2:25 – 3:25 Science or Social Studies Friday or Short Day 8:45 – 9:00 Self Starter 9:00 – 10:30 Mathematics 10:30 – 11:30 Language Arts 11:30 – 12:25 Science Social Studies 12:25 – 1:10 Lunch and Recess 1:10 – 1:25 Art