YFO0010 Sissejuhatus okeanograafiasse ja limnoloogiasse 11. Okeanograafia ja limnoloogia rahvusvahelisi organisatsioone.


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Presentation transcript:

YFO0010 Sissejuhatus okeanograafiasse ja limnoloogiasse 11. Okeanograafia ja limnoloogia rahvusvahelisi organisatsioone

Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) World Meteorological Organization (WMO) International Maritime Organization (IMO) International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) World Bank / Global Environment Facility (GEF) United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Globaalsed valitsustevahelised organisatsioonid

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (HELCOM) (OSPARCOM) International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission (IBSFC) Regionaalsed valitsustevahelised organisatsioonid

International Council for Science (ICSU) Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research International Union of Geophysics and Geodesy (IUGG) International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (IAPSO) Globaalsed valitsustevälised organisatsioonid

European Geophysical Society (EGS) European Federation of Marine Science and Technology Societies (EFMS) American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) American Geophysical Union AGU) Regionaalsed valitsustevälised organisatsioonid

Conference of Baltic Oceanographers (CBO) Baltic Marine Biologists (BMB) Baltic Marine Geologists (BMG) Läänemere “pehmed” valitsustevälised organisatsioonid

EurOcean-2004, May, Galway Clusters of marine EU projects biodiversity20 land-ocean interaction19 oceanic energy 3 fisheries18 human impacts16 ocean margin20 operational forecasting29 Total:125

Website: BONUS is an ERA-NET project ( ) which brings together the key research funding organisations in all EU Member States around the Baltic Sea. The aim is to gradually and systematically create conditions for a joint Baltic Sea research and researcher training programme. Expected results· BONUS portal will serve as a communication tool and a gateway to the information on the Baltic Sea science the mechanisms involved in national funding organisations will reach the status where a joint multinational Baltic Sea research programme is feasible a joint Baltic Sea research programme will be launched the mechanisms of shared use of marine research infrastructure will be defined, agreed and implemented complementarity of postgraduate training in marine sciences will be improved the integration of the Baltic Sea research funding with marine environmental policies will be improved

Baltic Sea research funding & networks Research needs arising from society National International environment policy Research needs arising from science Driving forces Universities HELCOM, IBSFC, IMO, EU Government programmes Political instruments Annual budgets of ministries Funding mechanisms Governmental research institutes Implementing bodies Scientists Competed funding by Research Councils etc BUP, BALTECH... ICES, BOOS ICES, BMB, CBO, BSG, EU-projects HELCOM, IBSFC