The Strategy for Greening the Economy The Perspective of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Malta 4 October 2013 Aphrodite Smagadi Environmental.


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Presentation transcript:

The Strategy for Greening the Economy The Perspective of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Malta 4 October 2013 Aphrodite Smagadi Environmental Affairs Officer UNECE Environment Division

Aim of presentation is to inform about the role of the ECE in setting environmental standards Background information on the ECE Focus on environment programme: overview of the MEAs Compliance and reporting Conclusions: benefits and challenges

ECE History and geography Set up in 1947 by the ECOSOC Covers more that 47 million square km Home to 20% of the world population 56 member States (from Europe, N. America, Central Asia, Israel/Turkey) 66 years of cooperation

ECE: Mandate and role Facilitates greater economic integration and cooperation Promotes economic prosperity and sustainable development through Policy dialogue International legal instruments, regulations and norms Technical assistance and capacity building Enhances the effectiveness of the UN through the regional implementation of outcomes of global UN processes Feeds the regional perspective into the global processes Promoting economic goals in tandem with the environment

ECE: Environment policy Aim to: Reduce pollution, minimize environmental damage Broader objectives of sustainable development and green economy Governed by: Committee on Environmental Policy (CEP) Processes: “Environment for Europe” (EfE) process: the driving force for the development of MEAs Education for sustainable development Environmental Performance Reviews To protect the environment and human health

Environment policy: MEAs The region causes 2/3 of world’s pollution Environment = high priority Total: 17 environmental legal instruments 5 Conventions and 12 Protocols (one not in force, some no longer relevant) Some open to non-ECE countries Ongoing debate under LRTAP and Industrial Accidents The only UN regional commission with legislation on the environment

Acid rain prompted the Air Pollution Convention back in the 1970s Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (1979) Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention, 1991) Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (1992) Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents (1992) Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention, 1998) Environment policy: MEAs

In force since 1983, 8 Protocols 1999 Multi-effect (Gothenburg)1991 VOC 1998 Heavy Metals1988 Nox 1998 POPs (basis of Stockholm POPs1985 Sulphur 1994 Sulphur1984 EMEP Protocol - EMEP Financial instrument Institutional framework for collaborative research: sets targets that are key for the promotion of green economy SO2 emissions down by 65%; and NOx and VOC emissions by 35% Challenges: Particulate matter, ozone, hemispheric transport of air pollution First agreement to include measures for reduction of black carbon Air Convention (LRTAP) Science, policy and cooperation to abate air pollution

In force since 1997: Parties to notify and consult each other on projects likely to have significant adverse transboundary environmental impact Assess environmental impact at early stage Provide opportunity to participate Rapid application growth: from 10 cases per year to 100 per year Protocol on SEA: evaluate environmental and health consequences of draft plans and programmes – central instrument for green economy Applies at strategic levels of decision-making Provides for extensive public participation International reference for countries to develop policy and legislation Sin EIA/SEA EIA (Espoo) and SEA Preventing environmental damage before it occurs

In force since 1996: Guidance on how to protect transboundary impacts, conserve and restore the ecosystems Joint management of Dniester Basin (Rep Moldova/Ukraine) Open for accession by any UN member State since February 2013: many express interest in joining as Parties Protocol on Water and Health (joint secretariat with WHO) Targeting: human health and well-being Social component; equity Water Convention Strengthening cooperation and preventing conflict through reasonable and equitable use of transboundary waters

In force since 1997: active international cooperation between countries, before, during and after an industrial accident on: How to prevent, reduce frequency and severity, mitigate Protocol on Civil Liability and compensation for Damage Caused by the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents on Transboundary Waters (not in force) Self-assessment/reporting: On the basis of set benchmarks, Parties identify challenges/gaps and can benefit from the assistance programme Industrial accidents Prevention, preparedness and response

In force since 2001, grants the public the right for: Access to information Public participation Access to justice Ever growing use of the compliance mechanism by the public significant changes in policy and legislation across the region realization of the right for a healthy environment International reference for non-ECE countries to develop policy and legislation Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers Enhances public access to information, corporate responsibility approach Mandatory reporting of certain pollutants and publicly accessible inventories Procedural rights: Aarhus Environmental democracy

Ensuring implementation Assessing countries’ efforts and reporting mechanism Mandatory reporting requirements for most MEAs Compliance and implementation procedures: Compliance/implementation bodies: independent experts or Parties’ representatives Assistance-oriented and non-adversarial Different triggers and modus operandi (submissions, self-referrals, the role of communications or information from the public) Network of the Chairs: a platform for sharing experience, discuss and aim at promoting implementation

Benefits of the MEAs: Legal basis for action/cooperation/synergies on how to achieve economic growth, but: Prevent, reduce, mitigate environmental damage Respect social aspects and human health Processes that strengthen cooperation between States and civil society (NGOs, scientific community, private sector) Coordinated international action to deal with environmental challenges Capacity-building and awareness-raising Conflict prevention and resolution Improved and harmonized environmental legislation and management

Challenges of the MEAs Economic downturn and political instability leading to changes in the legislative and institutional framework Obsolete technology – inaccurate measurements Insufficient funding for technical assistance and capacity building Environmental problems are global: involving States beyond the region and other stakeholders Keeping up with high standards in difficult times

Contact & additional information Sustainable Development Environment for Europe Environmental Performance Reviews Programme Air Convention EIA (Espoo) /SEA Water Industrial Accidents Aarhus Convention / PRTR