Environment Globalization of Species Conservation And Desertification Prevention By: Emily Pope
Endangered Species The Hazel Dormouse has a declining population in Germany. In Germany, the white-tailed sea eagle had 470 pairs (a spectacular increase from only about 110 pairs in Germany in the 1960s) for the year In 2008, the population was already around 600 pairs. In Germany, by far the highest number of white-tailed sea eagles die because of lead poisoning, followed by collisions with trains, trauma (violent impact which could not be further determined), suspected illegal poisoning, electrocution, collision with wind mills, collision with power lines, confirmed poisoning, collision with cars, shot birds and mercury poisoning. Collision with trains is quite common in Germany. This happens when animals like Roe Deer get killed by trains and are not removed from the rails. The eagles find the carrion and feed on it.
Endangered German Hazel Dormouse and Endangered German Hazel Dormouse and White-Tailed Sea Eagle
World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought The United Nations' World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought is annually observed on June 17 to highlight the urgent need to curb the desertification process. It also aims to strengthen the visibility of the drylands issue on the international environmental agenda. World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought is a global observance and not a public holiday. In December 1994, the United Nations General Assembly declared June 17 the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought. The assembly acknowledged that desertification and drought were global problems because they affected all regions of the world.
World Day to Combat Desertification Ad
New German Policy in Light of Globalization In the recent years Germany has raised its profile as a key player in the international environmental policy. The declared aim of German environmental policy is the enabling of a significant headway in environmental protection in Brussels. The focused two lanes strategy consists of encouraging of sustainable production in the EU and worldwide. While using the EU Council Presidency in 2007 for lending an impetus at the international level Germany announced the policy priorities in climate protection and sustainable energy policy. In the last five decades mankind was transforming its natural surrounding more dramatically than in the whole preceding history.
National Park in Brandenburg, Germany
Fragen 1.) Which of the following has a declining population? A.) Hazel Dormouse B.) Where’s Waldo? C.) The Purple Cow 2.) When does World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought take place? A.) June 17 B.) July 17 C.) Sometime
Answers 1.) a 2.) a
Websites Used: orld-day-to-combat-desertification s/paper-Bielig.pdfhttp://akson.sgh.waw.pl/~trusek/gee/paper s/paper-Bielig.pdf ils/13992/0http:// ils/13992/0 ite_tailed_eagle.html
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