Wednesday, May 27, 2015 HOMEWORK: Finish Peppered Moths packet (Doc#8) OBJECTIVE: I will be able to create models that show the change in a species over time, multiple generations, offspring and final version of a species DO NOW: Share your initial models with your group members. What can you do to make your model better? How does it fit the model criteria? (Make changes in red)
Evidence 4 Questions I will create models that show the change in a species over time, multiple generations, offspring and final version of a species using information learned about variation and selection pressures from evidence 2
Evidence 5 Questions I will create models that show the change in a species over time, multiple generations, offspring and final version of a species using information learned about variation and selection pressures from evidence 3
Evidence 6 Questions I will create models that show the change in a species over time, multiple generations, offspring and final version of a species using information learned about variation and selection pressures from evidence 4
New Models I will show you 3 models that try to explain why the color of the peppered moths has changed over the past 60 years. Each model is contradicted by at least 1 piece of evidence.
Model A The population of moths have a variation of colors from light to dark. Birds eat darker moths that stand out on the white trees. Only the light color moths are left in the population. KEY: shows what happens next
Model B 1 2 3 The population of moths includes moths with light wings and moths with dark wings The moths with light wings had offspring with light wings. After several generations, there will be many more moths with light wings than moths with dark wings. Moths with the light wings lay more eggs and produce more offspring. KEY: = shows moths = shows moths that reproduced more 1, 2, 3 = shows steps in the process
Model C tree trunk Moths have dark wings. But the trees are getting lighter because of less pollution. Birds can easily find moths with dark wings on lighter trees. To hide from birds, the moths change the color of their wings to a lighter color. The moths pass on lighter color wings to their offspring. Their offspring make their wings even lighter Now moth wings are a lighter color. KEY: shows what happens next
New Models For each model, briefly discuss each of these questions in pairs, and then individually write your answer to these questions: Which evidence contradicts this model? Why does it contradict it? * Be ready to share your answers with the class.
Model A The population of moths have a variation of colors from light to dark. Birds eat darker moths that stand out on the white trees. Only the light color moths are left in the population. KEY: shows what happens next
Model B 1 2 3 The population of moths includes moths with light wings and moths with dark wings The moths with light wings had offspring with light wings. After several generations, there will be many more moths with light wings than moths with dark wings. Moths with the light wings lay more eggs and produce more offspring. KEY: = shows moths = shows moths that reproduced more 1, 2, 3 = shows steps in the process
Model C tree trunk Moths have dark wings. But the trees are getting lighter because of less pollution. Birds can easily find moths with dark wings on lighter trees. To hide from birds, the moths change the color of their wings to a lighter color. The moths pass on lighter color wings to their offspring. Their offspring make their wings even lighter Now moth wings are a lighter color. KEY: shows what happens next
Model D Now, I will give you Model D on a piece of paper. In groups, discuss how to revise Model D to make it better. After you have decided as a group, make your own individual changes to the model on the paper. * Be ready to argue for your changes in the class discussion.
MODEL D KEY: 333 3 shows which moths were killed 1, 2, 3.. shows steps in the process MODEL D 3 333
Revised Model D Class Discussion: What revisions did you make to Model D? Why did you make those revisions? Why did the revisions you made make Model D even better? How were the revisions you made associated with the criteria for good models?
Closure Discuss the benefits of having a more abstract representation of the model.