Academic Analytics Faculty Detail Craig W. Abbey Associate Vice Provost and Director of Institutional Analysis April 9, 2014 Cambridge, MA
Three Uses of Faculty Detail Data at Buffalo 1)Public Relations 2)Unit Standards and Impact 3)Communities of Excellence
“I’m writing a press release about Alex Cartwright being named a SPIE fellow. Who else at UB has received this distinction?”
Faculty Award Details University Faculty Awards Webpage Graduate Enrollment Management Unit / Departmental Websites Possible Uses Going Forward
Unit Standards and Impact (USI) Analysis Understand the contributions of units Identify the most important metrics of effectiveness Determine performance targets Performance funding Modify institutional goals based on assessment efforts
Strategic Data Repository
Unit Standards and Impact Analysis
USI – Peer Benchmarking
USI – Instructional Workload
USI – Faculty Detail Overview
USI – Federal Grant Awards
Faculty Detail Database
Faculty Detail Tableau Reporting
Academic Analytics Roster Review
Communities of Excellence Communities involve faculty from multiple disciplines conducting scholarship and engaging the public Proposals solicited from faculty, department chairs and deans. The most compelling proposals will be reviewed by a team of external experts, Provost, VPR and Academic Affairs make final decisions.
Source: Global Research Benchmarking System, 2010
AA Journals List Linking ASJC to AA Journal List ASJC AA Faculty Articles UB Structure Co- Authorship Matrix
Co-Authorship on Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics Articles
Top Scholars NameUnitDepartment Count of Articles Sum of Citations Citations per Article Jusko, William JPHARMPharmaceutical Sciences Mager, Donald EPHARMPharmaceutical Sciences Morris, Marilyn EPHARMPharmaceutical Sciences Forrest, AlanPHARMPharmacy Krzyzanski, WojciechPHARMPharmaceutical Sciences Tsuji, Brian TPHARMPharmacy Almon, Richard RCASBiological Sciences Li, JiSMBSPharmacology And Toxicology Doloresco, FredPHARMPharmacy
Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics UB Article Keywords
Academic Analytics Faculty Detail Craig W. Abbey Associate Vice Provost and Director of Institutional Analysis