Can the individual become a Nominator? Has the individual been a member for (in principle) at least 10 years (including student membership), or is the member an IEICE Overseas Section Representative? Is there anyone else who is willing to act as a Fellow Candidate? Is this individual currently an IEICE member? Has the candidate been a member for (in principle) at least 10 years (including student membership)? (a)Outstanding achievement in engineering or research (b)Outstanding achievement in IEICE activities (c)Outstanding achievement in educational or R&D mentoring capacity Not eligible as a Nominator Yes No Yes No Yes Please try again next year Proceed to recommendation procedure Flowchart for nomination of fellowship 1 Does at least one of the following conditions apply? Are you a constituent member of the same society legislative body, or the Chair/Committee member of the Fellow Recommendation Committee of the same society as this individual? Yes
Recommendation procedure Prepare a nomination form complying with the format given in the IEICE website. Download an assessment sheet from the IEICE website, and fill it in. Select three or more References. Are there three or more References? Are the References Honorary Members or Fellows of the IEICE? Are the References current Directors, current members of the Fellow Nomination Committee, current members of the steering Committee of the same society as the Candidate, current members of the Fellow Recommendation Committee of the same society as the candidate? The Nomination form, Reference form and publishable documents such as research papers and patents showing the candidate’s achievements are sent to the References. The Nomination form and publishable documents such as research papers and patents showing the candidate’s achievements are sent to the Fellow Recommendation Committee. The References are requested to make their submission to the Fellow Recommendation Committee by January 31. Nomination for the Fellow System stage No Yes No Yes Determine References Flowchart for nomination of fellowship 2 Are the References from a different organization to that of the candidate? No Yes
Fellowship recommendation stage Were the assessment sheets from three or more assessors delivered to the fellowship recommendation committee by 31 January? Would the addition of a new fellow bring the total number of fellows above 2% of the total society membership? The new fellow is recommended to the nomination committee directly below the board of directors by using a recommendation form of the standard format. The candidate is judged by the fellowship recommendation committee of each society. Decisions are made based on the assessment sheet. End No Has the candidate received a fellowship from any other society besides the IEICE? Fellowship title is presented by the society chairman at the society conference. Details of the fellowship recommendation committee members, fellowship candidate selection and recommendation procedure are prescribed by the society. Yes No Yes Try again next time Nomination committee regulations are provided separately. Yes End For further information please contact Fellowship recommendation flowchart 2