American History
The Bering Land Bridge – most scientist believe that people migrated across the Bering land bridge to settle the American continents. To see the land changing through time go to:
European explorers, primarily Spanish, French, and English, who came to the New World brought devastation to the native cultures – major killers – infection and disease.
Spain dominated the seas until 1588, when the English defeated the Spanish Armada and captured control of the world’s oceans.
One of the early English colonies, established on Roanoke Island in what is now North Carolina, disappeared as one of the nation’s first mysteries.
English gave rise to the new nation America.
Many colonies established for religious freedom; Middle Colonies know as Breadbasket colonies.
The Pilgrims, a religious group that had withdrawn from the Church of England, landed at Massachusetts Bay and established Plymouth Plantation. The Mayflower Compact was the first agreement that recognized that government comes from the consent of the government (self- government).
The Great Awakening was a religious revival that swept the colonies in the 1730s by famous Puritan ministers such as Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield. Jonathan_Edwards_(theologian) wiki/George_Whitefield
The French and Indian War was fought over the Ohio River Valley between the British and the French to see who would control North America.
French and Indian war causes Great Britain to tax colonies to pay for the debt which will lead to the American Revolution.
Proclamation Line of 1763 – to keep American colonist east of the Appalachian Mtns.
Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Quartering Act, Tea Act, Intolerable acts – taxes and laws passed by Britain on American colonists.
First Continental Congress – the 12 oldest colonies met in Philadelphia – Georgia did not attend – suspended all economic relationship with Britain.
Battles of Lexington and Concord – shot heard round the world – 1st battle of American Revolution.
Second Continental Congress –legislature for the 13 colonies – declaration proclaimed.
The Declaration of Independence is the first founding document written by Thomas Jefferson.
American Revolution – fight for independence against Great Britain.
Battle of Saratoga – turning point of the American Revolution – France becomes an ally.
Treaty of Paris 1783 – ended the revolution and recognized the independence of the United States.
Articles of Confederation – the 1st constitution of the US; a loose agreement of the 13 states to unite.
Shay’s Rebellion – Shays’s tax rebellion symbolized the weaknesses of the young nation under the Articles of Confederation and led to the Philadelphia Convention and a new constitution.
The Northwest Ordinance specified how territories and states were to be formed from lands the US gained from the American Revolution.
The US Constitution is the cornerstone of our American government. Basic principles Basic principles Sovereignty – idea that the people are the source of a government’s power Sovereignty – idea that the people are the source of a government’s power Federalism – national and state governments have authority over the same territory and people (share powers) Federalism – national and state governments have authority over the same territory and people (share powers) Separation of powers – responsibilities are divided among 3 branches Separation of powers – responsibilities are divided among 3 branches Three Branches Three Branches Legislative –congress – made laws Legislative –congress – made laws Executive – president – enforce laws Executive – president – enforce laws Judicial – courts – interpret laws Judicial – courts – interpret laws
9 of 13 states had to ratify the constitution for it to be put into effect
The Bill of Rights First 10 amendments protect the basic rights of American Citizens First 10 amendments protect the basic rights of American Citizens Added in Added in Amendment 1 – freedom of speech, religion, press Amendment 1 – freedom of speech, religion, press Amendment 13 – Ended slavery Amendment 13 – Ended slavery Amendment 19 – women’s right to vote Amendment 19 – women’s right to vote
The Cotton Gin changed the course of agriculture in the South and led to the growth of slavery. wiki/Cotton_Gin
The Whisky Rebellion was the first problem that challenged the authority of the new federal government.
Marbury v. Madison – US Supreme Court ruling that established judicial review ( the right of the Supreme Court to declare a law unconstitutional).
The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the US. Thomas Jefferson sent Robert Livingston and James Madison to France to purchase New Orleans. They bought all of LA from Napoleon Bonaparte for $15 million.
Lewis and Clark sent to explore Louisiana to the Pacific Ocean.
The War of 1812 is called the “Second war for Independence” fought against Britain and showed the nation would not back down against a strong nation.
Battle of New Orleans fought after war was over – was an American Victory with Andrew Jackson as general and proved Louisiana citizens were American.
The Monroe Doctrine was a warning to European nations about colonizing the Western Hemisphere. Stay out of the New World or else. 1st foreign policy.
Westward Expansion – belief in Manifest Destiny – the destiny of the US to acquire all the land from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean –from sea to shining sea.
McCulloch v. Maryland – US Supreme Court decision was a landmark case that established the principle of implied powers – congress has the right to pass all laws.