1 Graduate Certificate in Military Sustainability Enhancing the Military Mission through Land Management, Policy, and Culture
2 Background DoD Land Use – Realistic training requires realistic training environments. Skills are perishable, maintained through regular training. Encroachment – external influences that threaten or constrain training (e.g., urban development, noise complaints, frequency conflicts). Promoting “outside the fenceline” compatible land uses (i.e., military sustainability) important.
3 Background Varied perspective between natural resource and range operating programs. Natural resource students typically deficient in understanding DoD land use and mission priorities. Natural resource careers – DoD is typically not presented as an option. Improved “literacy” in natural resource and military sustainability can occur through education and training.
4 Need – Education and Training Prospective students need broad skills to be effective practitioners of sustainability “outside the fenceline”. In addition to traditional land management skills, training in regional planning, policy development and implementation, and cultural competencies also desired. DoD environmental programs offer career opportunities within government and defense industry.
5 Approach Develop graduate Certificate in Military Sustainability. Complement existing professional degrees (e.g., Masters of Natural Resources, Wildlife Science, and Rangeland Ecology). Web-based coursework offers maximum flexibility; optional short-courses (e.g., “range tour” course). Target students – working professionals (e.g., active military/vets). Opportunity to integrate research/field experience on military installations (students pursuing masters requiring a 6-hour non-thesis professional paper).
6 Thematic Emphasis Areas Land Management - Natural resource land management strategies. - Military practices/requirements. - Sustainability concepts/regional planning. Policy - Natural resource policies influencing land use. - Military policies influencing DoD environmental programs. Culture - Cultural competencies, conflict resolution, and collaborative planning.
7 Certificate Overview
8 Sample Degree Plan
9 Research/Field Experiences on Installations
10 Target Students Active (to include guard/reserves) or returning veterans interested in natural resource training and/or a graduate degree. Unique graduate program for veterans. “Serving those who serve”. Career professionals with DoD or other state/federal agencies interested in continuing education training relative to working with the military.
11 Knowledge and Skills Student learning outcomes include an understanding of: Historic, current, and future military land use requirements. Environmental policies impacting land use and areas critical to mission. Natural resource planning approaches (e.g., INRMP, ITAM). Compatible land use approaches (e.g., buffer programs, regional planning, etc.). Geospatial technology use in land use decision-making. Conflict resolution and consensus building skills.
12 Enhancing the Military Mission through Land Management, Policy, and Culture Texas A&M Institute of Renewable Natural Resources Roel R. Lopez, Associate Director 1500 Research Parkway, Suite 110A, 2260 TAMU College Station, TX Phone: (979) , Fax: (979)