SC Dept. of Education Work-Based Learning Updates Kama J. Staton, Education Associate
Changes Structured Field Study added as state approved WBL experience Ten WBL methods of instruction recognized and state approved Definitive guidelines for WBL experience vs. WBL credit- bearing course experience Category grouping provided for WBL experience vs. Extended Learning Opportunity Methods in building a beneficial WBL program. Step-by-Step process in entering WBL experience correctly into PowerSchool Sample State Approved WBL forms Career Guidance resources to assist during IGP conferences and/or student/parent interaction.
10 State Approved WBL Methods of Instruction Youth Apprenticeship Registered Apprenticeship Cooperative Education Internship Mentoring School-Based Enterprise Service Learning On-Site Shadowing Virtual Shadowing Structured Field Study * Work-Based Learning Credit- Bearing Course
Shadowing: Virtual A productive experience for secondary students primarily used to support providing work-based learning opportunities for students across the state, especially in rural areas with limited business partner accessibility due to distance or lack of worksite locations to meet student needs. A virtual shadowing experience is assessed for components that constitute quality virtual shadowing to include, but not limited to the following: virtual tour of worksite with content provided, the capability to conduct question/answer exchanges, the overall quality of the site’s features, and the length of the experience. As with all quality work-based learning experiences, some type of product reflection should be required from the student. For example, written reflection or oral presentation. Brief visits to websites ( Career Aisle, SCOIS, etc.) to watch 3-4 mins. video is not considered a virtual job shadowing experience. Is Undercover Boss? Prep ( assessments), Engagement, and Reflection! Virtual examples: MicroCareerBursts,
Structured Field Study A front loaded experience with a purpose and led by a certified teacher providing opportunities for student to explore different workplaces. It is hosted by a representative at the worksite. During the field study, students observe, ask questions, and learn from the experience of being on an actual worksite. Students are well-prepared beforehand to ask questions about employment opportunities, qualifications of job roles, job descriptions, benefits associated with worksite employment, types of services provided, and general information about the place of employment and its mission. All field studies should be followed up with debriefing activities such as class discussion, reports, and follow-up letters to the worksite hosting the experience.
Work-Based Learning Credit Bearing Course A structured, stand-alone course that is taken within a CATE Classification of Instructional Programs ( CIP)-coded program. Each work-based learning course (credit bearing) has an assigned CATE course code and guidelines must be followed in order to award the unit of credit upon successful completion of the course. Student is supervised by a content-specific, certified teacher. The WBL credit bearing course must be a part of the student’s major and/or IGP. Curriculum standards and employability skills are specific to the CATE course and must be mastered during the work-based experience and documented. Graded assignments are required and in alignment with course standards. Regularly scheduled work site visits are conducted by supervising teacher and documented. All required paperwork between high school and sponsoring worksite is completed and kept on file. This experience is NOT documented on the Work-Based Learning page in PowerSchool. Course is held accountable to supervising instructor and approved through SCDE CATE Education Associate.
CATE Work-Based Learning Course Codes Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources - Code 5690 Architecture and Construction – Code 6690 Arts, Audio-Video Technology and Communications- Code 5290 Business, Management and Administration – Code 5490 Education and Training – Code 6390 Health Science – Code 5590 Health Science ( Sports Medicine) – Code 5591 Hospitality and Tourism – Code 5190 Family and Consumer Sciences – Code 5890 Human Services – Code 5790 Information Technology – Code 5390 Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security – Code 6590 Manufacturing – Code 6490 Marketing, Sales, and Service – Code 5091 Pre-Engineering – Code 6090 Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics – Code 6790
Work-Based Credit Bearing Courses are NOT entered on the Work-Based Learning page in PowerSchool! These experiences are captured by their course code!
WBL vs. Extended Learning Opportunities What are Extended Learning Opportunities? A structured activity which occurs within the classroom and/or school setting providing career awareness and/or exploration for student population. Examples: Business/ Industry Speaker, Career Day, Career Fair, Job Fair, Career Classroom Guidance Lesson, Career Guidance Workshop, etc. These experiences are NOT reported on the WBL page in PowerSchool These experiences ARE REPORTED on the Career Specialists/ Guidance Personnel Accountability Report, twice a year, through EEDA mandated Career Specialist position.
WBL Page Updates Adding Structured Field Study – Code U- to experience drop down box as a choice to report as WBL experience. Start Date and End Date will have built in calendar feature WBL references will all change to WBL Worksite Ex.: WBL Address will change to WBL Worksite address WBL Employer Name will change to WBL Worksite name Some fields will be required, others not required. Each will be identified for your awareness. Some fields will be ‘going away’ and will be read only fields. They will be grayed out. Fields included are Employer Size, Service Learning hours and WBL Number of Annual ELO student opportunities. Adding the capability to store 5 WBL experiences. Adding the capability to store 6 Career Assessments Revising Career Assessment tool choices. Historical Data requires “old” ones to stay on page. Example: EXPLORE
WBL PowerSchool Initialization Process Work Based Learning Initialization will be eliminated starting school year. District Level PS administrator is aware. Issues with entering WBL experiences, make sure your district has loaded the latest PS version.
SC State Reporting Manuals Work-Based Learning Manual Education/Program-Support/Work-BasedLearning.cfm PowerSchool Data Collection Manual with Specific Fields Defined Administration/PowerSchoolManualsforS.C.Pages.cfm
PowerSchool Dates WBL experiences can be entered into PowerSchool after October 1 st All WBL experiences must be entered into PowerSchool by Friday, May 27, Data is reported on Report Cards
Questions? Kama J. Staton, GCDF SCDE Education Associate Career Guidance & Work-Based Learning (803)