TWS Aids for Student Teachers & Interns Overview of TWS.


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TWS Aids for Student Teachers & Interns Overview of TWS

The Mission of the Teacher Work Sample The TWS measures the ability to: Construct and deliver an instructional unit Construct challenging and meaningful assessments Adapt instruction to meet student needs Measure learning gains and achievement Analyze and reflect on teaching decisions and results TWS

The TWS Vision TWS The TWS Vision is to: Connect the performance of candidates to PK-12 student learning Assess candidate performance relative to national, state, and institutional standards Provide a framework for teacher professional development Develop self-assessment & reflection skills

The Renaissance PartnershipRenaissance Partnership “To become accountable for the impact of teacher candidates and graduates on the learning of P-12 students” A Paradigm Shift from Teaching to Learning The information from Teacher Work Samples is used to advance the quality of teachers and K-12 student learning by the Renaissance Partnership, a five year initiative by eleven universities and their partner schools. The Renaissance Partnership is devoted to the pursuit of quality and best practices in teacher education.Renaissance Partnership

Preparation for the TWS Completing a TWS became a requirement for all student teachers & interns beginning Spring Elementary interns learn about the TWS process beginning in Block 1 classes. During Block 2 (first P. D. S. semester), interns prepare a sample reading TWS using elements of the TWS design. Elementary (Block 3) complete a TWS as part of the EL431 Secondary (Phase 1) complete a “Practice” TWS (prior to student teaching). Secondary (Phase 2) complete a TWS as part of the ED431 course. Alternate Route interns complete a TWS as part of the ED894 Internship II course. ESU supervisors will provide appropriate assistance to interns. Mentor teachers/supervisors may provide assistance as provided by the TWS Assistance Policy. TWS

Bloom’s Taxonomy & Stenberg’s Triarchic Levels Use Benjamin Bloom’s Taxonomy to classify and label your objectives. Robert Sternberg’s Triarchic Levels may also help you understand cognitive type objectives. Following are some web sites that will provide additional information. Bloom Sternberg 2SternbergTriarchicTheory.html

Interns/student teachers should show: A high level of questions and reflections Strong performance assessment Proficiency at implementing modifications and adaptations Sensitivity to student learning DETAILS EXAMPLES

TWS Scoring Completed Teacher Work Samples will be assessed by trained evaluators for: Quality Completeness Alignment Checklists and rubrics (detailed in a later presentation) You will be challenged to show quality in Assessment design Reflection on professional development plan Alignment of objectives, instruction, and assessment

Overview of 7 Teacher Work Sample Factors Demonstrates knowledge of: community & school factors characteristics of students students’ varied approaches to learning students’ skills & prior learning QPA/NCA school improvement plan Demonstrates implications for instruction & assessment Contextual Information & Learning Environment Unit Learning Goals & Objectives Includes a variety that are significant & challenging Appropriates for students Aligned with standards Focused on student learning Classified according to level & domain Factors Instructional Design & Implementation Aligned with learning goals & instruction Clarifies criteria for performance Includes multiple instructional strategies & approaches Includes adaptations on individual student needs Demonstrates appropriate use of technology Demonstration of Integration Skills Analysis of Classroom Learning Environment Analysis of Assessment Procedures Reflection & Self-Evaluation Demonstrates the ability to integrate instruction across and within subject matter fields Demonstrates: motivation skills communication skills classroom management skills how classroom environmental factors affect learning Interprets data Aligns assessments with TWS objectives Provides evidence of impact on student learning Demonstrates variety of assessments Justifies assessments & adaptations Demonstrate: Effect on student learning Implications for future teaching of this unit Implications for professional development Alignment among goals, instruction & assessment

CHECKLIST Checklist Use the following checklist to help ensure that your TWS meets guidelines and recommendations: Your completed work must not exceed 25 pages (12 point font, double-spaced with one-inch margins) with the numbering starting with content addressing Factor 1 You must use the cover page provided Do not include any names of your students anywhere in your completed Teacher Work Sample; instead refer to students by number or alias If you hand in a paper copy, do not put it into a notebook or folder; staple it in the upper left hand corner Be sure pages are numbered Include your name on the Cover Page only (not on every page) so that your TWS can be scored anonymously Classify Unit Objectives as low, middle, and high levels, and label each objective according to its domain (cognitive, affective, or psychomotor) The pre- and post-assessments should be related specifically to the TWS Objectives identified in Factor 2 Pre- and post-assessments need not be the same but must measure the same TWS Objectives in the same ways Demonstrates the ability to use Descriptive writing skills, Analytical writing skills, Reflective writing skills Demonstrates that the student teacher has made appropriate modifications and adaptations in teaching to meet the learning needs of all students Must be received in the Dean’s Office by the date indicated Delivered by , mail or in person All exceptions related to TWS must be approved by the Associate Dean and department chair If you are having problems, contact your university supervisor

KSDE Performance Assessment Flow Chart Identify unit topic. Develop well aligned goals/ outcomes for unit. Specify Performance outcomes/ objectives for unit. Develop assessment plan. Describe setting/ context of learning. Design instruction to fulfill outcomes & meet students’ needs (with accommodations as needed) Analyze and record pre- assessment data (individual & groups). Conduct pre- assessment of learners. Design/align pre- assessment with items for each goal. Teaching and learning activities Analyze pre & post assessment data by individual, groups, & goals. Display student learning gain scores in graphic form. Write a narrative interpretation of the data. Write a reflective essay and self-evaluation (What have I learned from the experience). Conduct post- assessment of learners. Deadlines to be announced Use national, state, district, and/or school standards/ goals