Data Director Basics August 23, :30am-3:00pm
8:30-9:45Data Director Features and Capabilities 9:45-10:30Multiple Measures and Assessment Use 10:30-10:45Break 10:45-11:30Data points within Data Director 11:30-12:30Lunch 12:30-12:45Useful and Meaningful Data 12:45-2:00Practice and Application 2:00-2:15Data Sharing and Conversations 2:15-2:30Questions; Survey Agenda
Programs and Services Data and Assessment Data Director Log In to Data Director Note: Videos/Other Resources Log in=first initial last name Password for initial log in=pw12345 FERPA District website shortcuts Data Director Access
Data Director Features and Capabilities Application Switcher Overview Assessments Reports Curriculum Students Programs Note: Application Switcher is located at top and bottom of page Overview Page Updates All Students vs My Students Staff without student rosters Help Change Sites
Assessments Find Assessment Subject ELA versus Reading Naming conventions ( th Grade Reading-QRI-September) Assessment Id Number Can’t find an assessment OR no data appears within an assessment? Permissions/Sharing Who created the assessment? Create Assessment Answer Sheet Assessment Scanning documents Standards linked to items Depth of Knowledge for items Number of items per standard Label for items Item Bank Assessment Assess2Know or My Item Bank Summary Assessment Summary description Excel-like Column Descriptors Calculation field Note: Duplicates from year to year Change date in 3 areas for duplicates. SAVE Note: Adding materials
Reports My Reports Permissions/Sharing users about Report Shared Reports Meeting Preparation School Improvement, Grade Level, Departments, IEPs Observations noted beforehand to make the best use of meeting time, colleague collaboration and planning for what’s next/intentional follow up Pre-Built Reports MEAP Strand and GLCE Analysis (example) MME Strand Analysis (example) Turn and Talk: Describe a way that a Data Director Report could be useful.
Curriculum and Students Curriculum Browse CCSS app ( Search By standard code Click on “+” sign to drill down to desired content area/grade level/standards Students Left menu Advanced Search District Entry Date Teachers Center Menu Name Grade Period Class lists with UICs Individual Student Report Multiple years of data Note: Period scheduling for elementary
Programs Create a Program Add Teachers Add Students Link Assessments If no data appears within an Assessment? Share Program with others! Note: Program participation does display on Individual Student Report Turn and Talk: Explain how a Data Director Program could be useful.
*Demographics *Perceptions *Student Learning *School Processes List 2 to 3 examples of each type of measurement that your school/district utilizes * Note: PDF available on the ISD website Multiple Measures of Data Victoria Bernhardt
Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of CESA 7, WI 10 Assessments OF Learning Assessments FOR Learning Assessments AS Learning For systems analysis & systems change Summative Teacher-directed; government directed After Teaching Teach-Test-Move On For Learning analysis & instructional change Interim Teacher-Directed & Student Involved During Teaching R 4 – Students Rethink, Revise, Resubmit; Teachers Re-teach differently Loop of Teach-Assess- Redo-Move On For Learning analysis & instructional change Interim/Formative Student-Led; Teacher Guided During Learning Students self-assess, self-monitor and “own” the assessment process and progress Loop of set goal, work, self-assess, self-adjust, continue
Define and give an example of each type of assessment and its use: Summative Interim Formative BREAK Video: Differentiated Instruction and Formative Assessment Video: Differentiated Instruction and Formative Assessment What connections do you see with our work today? Assessment Use
What data do you see in Data Director? Demographics:______________________________________ Perceptions:______________________________________ Student Learning:______________________________________ School Processes:______________________________________ Give an example of a data point that reflects the following assessment types? Summative:______________________________________________ Interim:______________________________________________ Formative:______________________________________________ Data Points
How do we know what data points to put in Data Director? What are the criteria for Quality Data? Reliability-repeatable and consistent scores Validity-measures what is intended (specific skills/expectations-aligns with performance verbs/nouns) Context-range that determines meaning (performance) Purpose-reason that the data is important Specificity-represent one point of information Source-origin of data Useful and Meaningful Data
What data would you find useful and meaningful? Why? What data would be helpful to have for the beginning of the school year? This afternoon’s work=Practice and Application Options: Create an Answer Sheet Assessment-link standards, DOK, item types, view answer document Create a Summary Assessment-Add “sample” data to review-pre/post calculation Create a Custom Report specifically to answer a question-make observations about data Create a Program-Add teachers/students/link assessments Work through the Data Director Training Checklist EVERYONE-PLEASE “Share” your work with someone and let them know what you are sharing with them and why. Useful and Meaningful Data
Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Chart Webb’s Depth of Knowledge for Four Content Areas-pdf Quality Rubrics Smarter Balanced Practice Assessments Formative Assessment A Favorite Formative Assessment: The Exit Slip-pdf Chocolate Chip Cookie Scoring Guide Assessment Resources
Permissions and Sharing within Data Director Adding materials to assessments Excel and PDF formats Balanced Assessment System-student growth Data and Assessment calendar Custom Report creation and review before scheduled meetings Data recording versus data use Will data discussion focus on curriculum, instruction, quality of assessment? Intentional follow up-by whom? When? Sharing data with all stakeholders (students, parents, staff) Data Sharing and Conversations
Please complete the survey following our session today. Survey
Brad Hess Paula Gates Susan Townsend Contact Information