Identification slide Name Class Teachers (Religion, Government, English) Period Date
Title of CAP (be somewhat creative) by Student Name
Description of Service Write a brief summary of your service project Use no more than six lines per slide No more than six words per line
Place of Service Briefly describe where you did your service project This may be a specific building or a variety of sites – depending upon the service and/or organization
Hours of Service Give the total number of hours you spent on this service project You may use these figures or the figures for number of participants, or of expenses to create your graph or chart. You MUST have a graph or chart of some kind as part of your project.
Service Pictures Write a cut line or headline identifying the picture(s). Insert picture from your service that has been scanned or downloaded into a file or attach picture to board. Be sure to cite photographer (8 pt) n lower right hand corner
Contact Information This slide should contain contact information for your service project: name, address, phone, address, etc.
Social Justice Issue State your social justice issue and how it relates to your service project
Social Justice Commentary Write a personal comment on how your service project demonstrated the social justice issue you selected.
Social Issue Connection to Government How does your social issue organization work with Local, State, or Federal Government agencies? Please specify. What is the legal status of your social organization? Non-profit, etc. Describe the leadership structure of the organization. (President, Board of Directors, Trustees)
Social Issue Funding (graph or chart) How is your social issue organization funded? Grants, donations, etc. What are the major sources of revenue for your organization during the fiscal year? What are the major expenditures for your organization during the fiscal year? Put the citation (8 or 10 pt) n lower right hand corner
Statistic chart or Graph Choose the chart icon from tool bar and make a simple chart, or insert from saved chart on Excel. Find statistics that are relevant to your presentation Be prepared to discuss the statistics in your presentation Be sure to cite statistics(6 or 8 pt) n lower right hand corner
Conclusion This slide should have a summary of your experience of your service project and the research you have done, and how it relates to your social justice issue.
Works Cited This slide should contain your works cited: list those sources that you actually used in your presentation and research Follow MLA format