North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) Publications: A Review Brian Voss, NOAA Libraries Janet Webster, Oregon State University Libraries 33 rd IAMSLIC Conference, Sarasota, Florida October 2007
Background Publications program purpose –Documenting conditions in North Pacific Ecosystem –Examining problems –Proposing approaches –Recording the organization’s administration 2003 Review –Focus on production mechanics & process 2007 Review –Focus on transition to electronic
Budget & Costs Printing$74,025$67,005$128,523 Communications$30,980$33,839$31,792 Total budget$829,870$810,344$970,867 % Printing & Communications 12.6%12.4%16.5%
Approach Review the 2003 recommendations. Examine current cost, purpose & audience. Understand current workload issues. Examine current distribution. Describe indexing, collecting and usage.
Collecting as Access Transition to electronic = greater reliance on local access to print copies –Examine current geographic distribution of PICES collections (WorldCat) –Identify locations for potential archival collections (IAMSLIC or non-WorldCat/Z collections) –Examine geographic concentrations of primary readership (PICES distribution lists) Establish MOU with selected libraries for permanent print collections
Collecting as Access - Issues Data collection issues –Limits and variability in WorldCat data –Difficulty identifying foreign language collections Audience issues –Preferences of readership (print v. online) –Network infrastructure to support online distribution –Cultural/institutional restrictions PICES/IAMSLIC survey of readership and libraries
Indexing as Exposure ASFA159 BIOSIS4 Fish & Fisheries360 WAVES64 Web of Science20 Zoological Record39
Indexing as Exposure Reports indexed by title (32) Articles within reports indexed (302) ASFA 1098 BIOSIS 00 FFW WAVES 320 WOS 00 Zoo 310
Usage = Access + Exposure Citations to the PICES Scientific Reports –Scopus = 235 –Web of Science = 80 Citations to 352 articles in journal issues –Scopus = 3276 –Web of Science = 1938
Usage = Access + Exposure Web usage of PICES publications Marine Ecosystems of the North Pacific Harmful Algal Blooms in the PICES Region of the North Pacific PICES Science: the first ten years and a look to the future) Shark abundance increases in the Gulf of Alaska
Recommendations Streamlining the publication workflow Increasing recognition of PICES as a publisher Enhancing access through library & indexer cooperation Improving distribution efficiency Increasing visibility and ensuring perpetuity through a digital repository
A digital repository Establish a pilot project in the Aquatic Commons. –PICES / IAMSLIC cooperative effort Complete digitization of PICES publications. –PICES Database and Web Administrator Negotiate with publishers the right to archive digital copies of articles. –PICES Secretariat / Commercial publishing partnership Develop a copyright agreement. –PICES Secretariat Financial impact: –Possible staffing needs for repository pilot project
Continued Cooperation between PICES and IAMSLIC PICES collection within the IAMSLIC digital repository, Aquatic Commons, as a pilot project Survey PICES distribution lists to complete assessment of collection policies and reader needs. Develop memoranda of understanding with libraries for permanent, ongoing archiving print versions of PICES publications. Complete the linking to electronic versions of PICES publications from existing WorldCat records.
Next Steps Feedback from IAMSLIC Presentation to PICES F&A Committee Await action from PICES
Acknowledgments PICES –Alex Bychkov –Skip McKinnell –Julia Yazvenko IAMSLIC –Joan Parker Our Institutions –NOAA/NESDIS Seattle –OSU/ Hatfield Marine Science Center