The Media Paradigm Shift Tej Media Networks, Inc.
The Changing Climate Consumers Scheduled, Linear, Limited Choice Devices TV, VCR Operators Free Broadcast, Pay Cable and Satellite Advertisers TV, Print, Radio, Public Space Programmers Broadcast Networks, Cable Networks Consumers Time/Place Shifting, On Demand, Infinite Choice Devices HDTV, DVD, STB, DVR, SlingBox, PC, Game Console, Vista, iPod, Cell, PSP… Operators Free Broadcast, Cable, Satellite, Telco, IPTV, Cable Modem, DSL, Fiber, Mobile, EVDO Advertisers TV, Print, Radio, Public Space, Online Non-traditional, Experimental, 360 Campaigns, Branded Content Programmers Broadcast and Cable Networks, Google, YouTube, MySpace, Microsoft, Apple, Users, Operators, Wireless Carriers, Websites… Old New
The Priority Discrepancy Consumer behavior and the flow of cash in the current media economy represent a disconnect between the priorities and economic incentives of consumers, programmers and producers. TV Programmers Advertisers Producers TV PC Cell Device $ for TV $ for Internet $ for Mobile Service $ for TV $ for TV Advertising ConsumersOperators New Programmers $ for Online Advertising $ for TV Content While consumers own multiple devices, consume content on multiple devices, and pay for multiple monthly services, the flow of cash to programmers and producers is mostly for TV. TV Programmers have multiple revenue streams for TV programming: affiliate and ad revenue There isn’t enough “big” money in producing high quality content for online or mobile yet. There isn’t enough “big” money in producing high quality content for online or mobile yet. There is no economic incentive for TV Programmers or Producers to invest in multi-platform content There is no economic incentive for TV Programmers or Producers to invest in multi-platform content There is an opportunity to meet consumer demand and create profitable entertainment franchises if the priority discrepancy is addressed early on in the content creation process. Flow of ContentFlow of Cash
The Need for a New Creative Process TV Creative Team TV Business Functions MarketingNew Media TV Show Ancillary Web/Mobile/Interactive Content Current “Old Media” Multi-Platform Creative Workflow The current end product is a force-fit experience for the consumer where the content is “compatible on” any device, not “conceived for” a specific device. The current end product feels like a marketing “trick” to create incremental revenue through interactive TV, web shows or SMS messaging. The current end product is a quick entertainment video snack that is not well integrated with long-form quality content and doesn’t create economic opportunity in the media landscape for programmers and producers.
The Tej Media Creative Process A Tej Media creative team is: an experienced television writer – the person who can write a broadband/mobile producer – the person who understands the various screens a marketing executive – the person who can spread the word a distribution expert – the person who can spread the content a metadata specialist – the person who knows what information to track a multi-platform show-runner – the person who ties it all together as a business Multi-Platform Creative Team Sales Marketing Distribution Multi-Platform Experience PC TV Cell Research Analytics Reporting