OOI CI EOI LCA REVIEW December 13, 2010 Ocean Observatories Initiative External Observatory Integration Christopher Mueller Life Cycle Architecture Review December 13, 2010
OOI CI EOI LCA REVIEW December 13, 2010 Agenda Life Cycle Architecture Review Subsystem Purpose Release 1 Product Description Use Case Overview Architectural Overview Status of Progress Use Cases Address, Use Cases Demonstrated Technology Challenges and Achievements Plan for Construction Risk Assessment Demonstration 2
OOI CI EOI LCA REVIEW December 13, 2010 External Observatory Integration Subsystem: Purpose 1. Integrates external observatories (IOOS in R1) with the OOI Integrated Observatory 2. Facilitates inclusion of external data 3. Delivers data in community specific forms 4. Allows immediate full scale testing of the OOI-CI System 5. Introduces OOI to a community of early adopters 3
OOI CI EOI LCA REVIEW December 13, 2010 EOI R1 Product Description Use Case Overview IDTitleDescription UC.R1.21 Derive Data Product Externally (Merge Data) Provide data unified from many sources Responsible For IDTitleDescription UC.R1.04Ingest and Describe DataExternally Provided Data read and distributed UC.R1.22Present as CatalogPresent organized set of resources externally Supports IDTitleDescription UC.R1.03Hello Data SourceData source is registered and connected UC.R1.06Distribute Data ProductData made available to many consumers UC.R1.07Subscribe to DataUser finds data, asks for update notifications UC.R1.13Transform DataData process produces new data from old UC.R1.24Version a ResourceResource is supplanted by changed version UC.R1.33Assert Access PolicyDefine access policy for a given resource Uses 4
OOI CI EOI LCA REVIEW December 13, 2010 Dataset Agents Supporting UC.R1.04 EOI Supports this use case by providing Dataset Agents that facilitate acquisition of data from external repositories (such as NDBC and AOML) The Dataset Agents are responsible for mapping between the data format provided by the external repository and the OOI Canonical Data Model 5
OOI CI EOI LCA REVIEW December 13, 2010 UC.R1.21: Derive Data Product Externally Normalization of disparate data sources Transformation to the desired output format Automated delivery of data to the end user (R1 modeling groups) Automated launching of client-side processing scripts Resulting data may be sent back to OOI-CI 6
OOI CI EOI LCA REVIEW December 13, 2010 Architectural Overview 7
OOI CI EOI LCA REVIEW December 13, 2010 Architectural Overview – Client View 2010 OOI-CI – IOOS Collaboration NDBC Wx NDBC HFR CO-OPS WL USGS AOML IOOS Data Sources Non-IOOS Sources SOSTDSSOS HTT P WaterM L OOI-CI Service Translation Format Conversion Notification Feeds/ Subscriptions Espresso ROMS other models IOOS Catalog IOOS RAs SOS External Observatory Integration (EOI) OOI-CI Service Translation Format Conversion Notification Feeds/ Subscriptions External Observatory Integration (EOI) IOOS Catalog 8
OOI CI EOI LCA REVIEW December 13, 2010 MARACOOS Integration Design 9
OOI CI EOI LCA REVIEW December 13, 2010 User Interfaces Core Infrastructure Services Architectural Overview – OOI-CI View Common Operating Infrastructure Data Distribution and Preservation Infrastructure Common Execution Infrastructure Data Management Application Level Services Externalization and Integration Instrument Agents External Observatory Integration Sensing & Acquisition IOOS Modeling Groups 10
OOI CI EOI LCA REVIEW December 13, OV2 CI Architectural Overview – OOI-CI View Application Services Infrastructure Services IOOS Modeling Groups 11
OOI CI EOI LCA REVIEW December 13, 2010 Architectural Overview – OOI-CI View Subscribe (Dispatcher) Publish (Dataset Agents) 12
OOI CI EOI LCA REVIEW December 13, 2010 Architectural Overview – Dataset Agent 13 (1) (2) (4) (5) (3) (7) (6)
OOI CI EOI LCA REVIEW December 13, 2010 Architectural Overview – Dataset Agent 14
OOI CI EOI LCA REVIEW December 13, 2010 Architectural Overview – Dispatcher 15
OOI CI EOI LCA REVIEW December 13, 2010 Status of Progress Implemented end-to-end exchange of messages on both the Publication (Dataset Agent) and Subscription (Dispatcher) sides of the system. Completed Dataset Agent implementations for all data required by Rutgers modeling group Completed Dispatcher implementation capable of receiving notification and reacting by launching an external workflow script 16
OOI CI EOI LCA REVIEW December 13, 2010 Status of Progress –Rutgers Data Sources Currently Implemented Capabilities Providers: PFEG, NAVY, USGS, RADS, NCEP, AOML, NDBC Acquisition Protocols: OPeNDAP, SOS, WaterML, urlread CDM Types: Grid, Station, Station Profile, Trajectory Data Variables: Sea Surface Height, Currents, Winds, Salinity, Temperature, River Discharge, … Acquisition Forms: NetCDF, ASCII 17
OOI CI EOI LCA REVIEW December 13, 2010 EOI Technology List Matlab NetCDF Java 18
OOI CI EOI LCA REVIEW December 13, 2010 Plan for Construction Current Schedule: Three 6 week Construction Iterations – 12/20/2010 5/2/2011 IOC Review – week of 5/3/2011 Considering rescheduling to bring EOI into alignment with core subsystems: Two 8 week Construction Iterations – 12/20/2011 4/1/2011 EOI will be aligned for the 2nd iteration R1 Deployment concurrent with the rest of the system 19
OOI CI EOI LCA REVIEW December 13, 2010 Plan for Construction – R1C1 Theme: Analysis of 2 nd & 3 rd Modeling Group & Refinement of Elaboration Implementations Analysis of modeling group data needs University of Hawaii Texas A&M Integration of mature ION capabilities Refactoring of Dataset Agent & Dispatcher implementations Thorough documentation 20
OOI CI EOI LCA REVIEW December 13, 2010 Plan for Construction – R1C2 Theme: Development of Additional Dataset Agents & Adoption of OOI-CI as the Data Provider for R1 Modeling Groups Continued integration of mature ION capabilities Development of Additional Dataset Agents For University of Hawaii data For Texas A&M data Incorporation of OOI-CI as the data provider in the acquisition scripts of the 3 R1 Modeling Groups 21
OOI CI EOI LCA REVIEW December 13, 2010 Risk Assessment – EOI Use Case IDNameDelivery RiskMaturity LevelTarget Use UC.R1.21Derive Data Product Externally (Merge Data)LowRequiredUser 22
OOI CI EOI LCA REVIEW December 13, 2010 EOI Technologies at Risk for Release 1 None at this time! 23
OOI CI EOI LCA REVIEW December 13, 2010 End-to-end Demonstration Translation from raw form to OOI-CI Canonical Data Model Transmission of data via ION Messages 24 For Demo Only!!
OOI CI EOI LCA REVIEW December 13, 2010 Thanks ! Questions ? 25